[RADIATOR] How do I log all reply attributes sent for an Access-Accept?

Heikki Vatiainen hvn at open.com.au
Wed Apr 11 13:41:19 CDT 2012

On 04/10/2012 10:42 PM, Linuxchuck wrote:

> I'm looking for a way to log all possible Reply attributes to my authlog file.  I use many different types of VSAs, and would rather not have to scrub through all of my configs just to manually add each named Reply attribute to my <AuthLog FILE> stanza.

Hmm, I do not think this has been requested before or such functionality
currently exists directly.

You could try the following PostAuthHook to collect all reply attributes
to a pseudo attribute in request and logging the whole thing from
request with:
SuccessFormat   %l: [%{GlobalVar:DevType}] [%n] [%c] [%{NAS-IP-Address}]
[%{Calling-Station-Id}] Accept %{Request:X-Reply-Attrs}

Here's an example hook. You can add attributes you do not want to see in
the logs to ignore list.

PostAuthHook file:"combine-reply-attrs-hook.pl"

sub {
    my $p = ${$_[0]};      # Request packet
    my $rp = ${$_[1]};     # Response packet

    my @ignored = qw(EAP-Message Some-Other-Attribute);

    my ($i, $all) = (0, '');
    while (my ($name, $value) = $rp->get_attr_val_n($i++)) {
	next if grep {$_ eq $name} @ignored;
	$all .= "$name=$value, ";
    $all =~ s/, $//; # Remove trailing ', '
    $p->add_attr("X-Reply-Attrs", $all);

Please let us know how this works.

> Here's what I currently have:
> <AuthLog FILE>
>          Identifier      AuthLogger
>          Filename        /var/log/Radiator/authlog
>          SuccessFormat   %l: [%{GlobalVar:DevType}] [%n] [%c] [%{NAS-IP-Address}] [%{Calling-Station-Id}] Accept %{Reply:Class}
>          FailureFormat   %l: [%{GlobalVar:DevType}] [%n] [%c] [%{NAS-IP-Address}] [%{Calling-Station-Id}] Reject - %1
>          LogSuccess      1
>          LogFailure      1
> </AuthLog>
> This works just great if all I want to see is the Class attribute reply in my logfiles.  I see the Class assigned to any user if there is one right at the end of any Access-Accept line in my logs.
> However, I have at least a dozen different reply attributes I'd like to track.  Since I'm not a perl guru by any stretch of the imagination, I'd love to know if there is some sort of secret-sauce I can stick in that reply variable to make it ... well ... Variable.
> Here's a quick list off of the top of my head to give you an idea of the types of Replies I have it sending out:
> Class
> Framed-IP-Address
> (Vendor)-Group-Name
> (Vendor)-Interface-Name
> Service-Type
> and so-on, and so-forth...
> Oh... and no, I don't want to turn up the Trace just for this...  :-P
> Thanks in advance!
> Chuck
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Heikki Vatiainen <hvn at open.com.au>

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