[RADIATOR] Accounting into microsoft SQL server

Nuno Marques nmarques at ubi.pt
Fri Sep 9 05:52:17 CDT 2011


I have this two realms which successfully authenticate and both record accounting into a local file. What I wish do to is that the radiator sends the accounting information directly into SQL server. I’ve tried many “personal possible solutions” but ended up discovering that the commands that work with SQL aren’t available in <Authby RADIUS> or <Authby LDAP2>. I should add we do not have SQL database for authentication. Is there any cookbook with the solution? Any contribution are greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Nuno Marques

<Realm /ubi.pt/i>
       <AuthBy RADIUS>
               Identifier PEAP_IAS
               Secret xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
               AuthPort 1812
               AcctPort 1813
               Retries 3
               SSLeayTrace 4
               Host ubidc1.ubi.pt
               Host ubidc2.ubi.pt
               AcctLogFileName %L/detail

<Realm /pessoal.ubi.pt/i>
        RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
        <AuthBy LDAP2>
                Identifier      Pessoal
                Host            pessoaldc1.pessoal.ubi.pt
                Port            389
                AuthDN          cn=ldap,cn=Users,dc=ubi,dc=pt
                AuthPassword    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                BaseDN          ou=PessoalUser,dc=pessoal,dc=ubi,dc=pt
                Scope           sub
                UsernameAttr    cn


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