[RADIATOR] EAPTLS_MaxFragmentSize settings

Alex Sharaz A.Sharaz at hull.ac.uk
Tue Oct 11 06:16:51 CDT 2011


For a long time I've had

# EAPTLS_MaxFragmentSize sets the maximum TLS fragemt
# size that will be replied by Radiator. It must be small
# enough to fit in a single Radius request (ie less than 4096)
# and still leave enough space for other attributes
# Aironet APs seem to need a smaller MaxFragmentSize izes.
                 EAPTLS_MaxFragmentSize 1000


Set up in my Radiator radius.cfg file simply because it was there in  
the sample radius.cfg file I initially used. I'm now wondering if  
perhaps this is a bit small.

What are other people doing?
Is anyone explicitly setting this up or are people leaving it to the  
default value


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