M P antmtp at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 28 04:18:19 CST 2011

Hello Heikki,
> Unfortunately that is not possible. You can not pass anything other than
> the return value and reply attributes back to Radiator. So if you are
> using AuthBy EXTERNAL, you need to do the calculation, formatting and
> checking completely in your script.
Ok, I understand. > If your external program was done with Perl, you could consider for
> example, AuthBy INTERNAL and AuthHook. You could then call functions
> such as Digest::MD5 and Radiator's AttrVal.pm pclean to mimic what
> Radiator does when it runs CHAP check. It might even be possible to call
> CHAP checking function directly from the hook.
Ok. I understand. Lastly, is it possible that for PAP I will use AuthBy EXTERNAL whereas for CHAP I will use any other AuthBy other than EXTERNAL (e.g. FILE, PAM, LDAP2, etc.) for the same realm?
Thank you once again. 		 	   		  
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