[RADIATOR] Multiple handlers with inner MSCHAP-V2 authentication
Remco van Noorloos
rvannoorloos at proxsys.nl
Wed May 18 04:48:23 CDT 2011
Dear all,
Currently I'm trying to create a pretty advanced authentication mechanism using Radiator. What I'd like to do is to use the same procedure (which I've already configured in Radiator for 'normal' RADIUS requests) for EAP requests. I feel like I'm almost there, but it seems the last step doesn't function as I would expected.
It seems that when Radiator dispatches an inner authentication RADIUS request, it's not following the 'normal' procedure. It executes the first AuthBy in the correct Handler. This AuthBy normally sets two variables which are used further in the authentication procedure. With the inner authentication however it quits after a result is returned from this SQL AuthBy query and it returns an Access-Reject. It should continue since there's an ContinueWhileAccept in top of the Handler. The AuthBy returns an Accept as well, but the EAP/PEAP module returns a Reject.
Am I missing something or is it a minor bug in Radiator?
Best regards,
Remco van Noorloos
Wed May 18 11:34:03 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Request
Identifier: 62
Authentic: <146>#<154><3>ceQ9<10><230>F0<240><159><0><128>
User-Name = "PROXSYS\rvannoorloos"
Calling-Station-Id = "00-16-ea-6e-10-8c"
Called-Station-Id = "00-27-0d-ec-0f-00:office-test.wlan.proxsys.net"
NAS-Port = 1
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = "NM-WLC"
Airespace-WLAN-Id = 15
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-MTU = 1300
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
Tunnel-Type = 0:VLAN
Tunnel-Medium-Type = 0:802
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = 316
EAP-Message = <2><2><0><25><1>PROXSYS\rvannoorloos
Message-Authenticator = <148><153>I<144><223><137><158><149>/7t<207>h^<24>I
Wed May 18 11:34:03 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'DefaultHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:03 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:03 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:03 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:03 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:03 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:03 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
Wed May 18 11:34:03 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:03 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:03 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:03 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:03 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:03 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:03 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:03 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:03 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 2, 25, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:03 2011: DEBUG: Response type 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Access challenged for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos: EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Challenge
Identifier: 62
Authentic: <191>T<147>L<158><189><199><135><167>)!&<213>"A_
EAP-Message = <1><3><0><6><25>!
Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Request
Identifier: 63
Authentic: <241><26>,<218> MG(<212><194>@A<222>da<152>
User-Name = "PROXSYS\rvannoorloos"
Calling-Station-Id = "00-16-ea-6e-10-8c"
Called-Station-Id = "00-27-0d-ec-0f-00:office-test.wlan.proxsys.net"
NAS-Port = 1
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = "NM-WLC"
Airespace-WLAN-Id = 15
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-MTU = 1300
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
Tunnel-Type = 0:VLAN
Tunnel-Medium-Type = 0:802
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = 316
EAP-Message = <2><3><0><137><25><128><0><0><0><127><22><3><1><0>z<1><0><0>v<3><1>M<211><146><144>A#<229><221><131><153><232>Lj<25>g<210>77t<247><21><159><201><195>b<7><237>P<205><157>E<147> ] <0><0><247><167><197><249><171><31><191>D+y<205><22><253><197><192><206><6><255><170>Q&<167>j<244>{Z<<159><0><24><0>/<0>5<0><5><0><10><192><19><192><20><192><9><192><10><0>2<0>8<0><19><0><4><1><0><0><21><255><1><0><1><0><0><10><0><6><0><4><0><23><0><24><0><11><0><2><1><0>
Message-Authenticator = <187><147><138>\L<180>@<218>H<156><27><143><5><1><1><155>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'DefaultHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 3, 137, 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Response type 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP TLS SSL_accept result: -1, 2, 8576
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Access challenged for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos: EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Challenge
Identifier: 63
Authentic: <163>~<220><176>?<150><199>9<132><166><203><197>-*<192>R
EAP-Message = <1><4><3><242><25><192><0><0><15><193><22><3><1><0>J<2><0><0>F<3><1>M<211><146><141><<146><222><193>V<<199>ht<145>Y<179><22><<186>C<207>`]<228><200>C<133><6><172><224>A<27> v<24>j<213>#<216><130>.<159><169><232>Ni<245><2>~<252><208>~<154><160><218>L<164><22><193><16><131><167><201>#<244><0>/<0><22><3><1><15>d<11><0><15>`<0><15>]<0><3>m0<130><3>i0<130><2>Q<160><3><2><1><2><2><16>c<250><171><210>(Jtx<164>Q<203>`<196>1M<211>0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><5><5><0>0<1<11>0<9><6><3>U<4><6><19><2>US1<21>0<19><6><3>U<4><10><19><12>Thawte, Inc.1<22>0<20><6><3>U<4><3><19><13>Thawte SSL CA0<30><23><13>110114000000Z<23><13>130314235959Z0<129><133>1<11>0<9><6><3>
EAP-Message = U<4><6><19><2>NL1<21>0<19><6><3>U<4><8><19><12>Zuid-Holland1<18>0<16><6><3>U<4><7><20><9>Gorinchem1<21>0<19><6><3>U<4><10><20><12>Proxsys B.V.1<20>0<18><6><3>U<4><11><20><11>PROXSYS.NET1<30>0<28><6><3>U<4><3><20><21>*.webmail.proxsys.net0<129><159>0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><1><5><0><3><129><141><0>0<129><137><2><129><129><0><201><156>V<255><226><3><137><133><183><228>-e<234>d<254><244><231><251>8<23>Cu<128>><224><222><16>5<154><167>W<130><195>&<151>b<229>lsh<181><7>r<225>1<0><184>>A<207><217>`<189><31><185><12>X/<202><159>$<249><237><133>C<179><1><200>=Y<210>'7<213><239>X<188><152>r<165><254><158>h<155>2t<165><29><176><206>4<224><185><238><136>_r
EAP-Message = -<219><235>8<222>(<188>-MRU<19><201>9G.<176><240>(E2<22>z<145><184>m`<10><23><199>w<2><3><1><0><1><163><129><160>0<129><157>0<12><6><3>U<29><19><1><1><255><4><2>0<0>0:<6><3>U<29><31><4>3010/<160>-<160>+<134>)http://svr-ov-crl.thawte.com/ThawteOV.crl0<29><6><3>U<29>%<4><22>0<20><6><8>+<6><1><5><5><7><3><1><6><8>+<6><1><5><5><7><3><2>02<6><8>+<6><1><5><5><7><1><1><4>&0$0"<6><8>+<6><1><5><5><7>0<1><134><22>http://ocsp.thawte.com0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><5><5><0><3><130><1><1><0>V.<175><157>n<130>.Y@<215>:<150>:9<22><16><206>ab|V<164><171><156><192><156><194><a<211><28><167><225><129>
EAP-Message = <10>H<2>C<237><250><196>P<187><128><13><231>PH<249><141>V<0><28><199>b<215><244><192><144><173>zB<31>(<215><136><14>:<223>1XaS<232>$k<217><24><216>l<207><160><210>2<135><221><208><164><225>H<167><178><232><196><9><241><6><215><148>J<225>V<195>FH<195>b<207>u<174><2><135><232><201>9<210><195> U<205><19><240><183>]<246><148><140>X<138><27><204>|<156><228><227><165>6<191><9>^<6><246><18><157>m<29><170><227><9>u5Sv<144><154>t#<0><12><25>#n<222><199>b<24><127>2<165><188>t.<243><0><196><255>XP<187><250>\<161><4>5O<H<207><145>3,<154><143>P<232><140>M<138><127>i<220><234><19>ZT<144>/<127><255><182><151>'<148>%<196><172><197><5><168><138><239><181><11>Y<218><16>P;<21><186><15>wA<246><195><182><183>R<181><252><197><206><191><180>V<144>q<228>^<158><30>;t<208><144><190><0><4>p0<130><4>l0<130><3>T<160><3><2><1><2><2><16>M_,4<8><178>L <205>mP
Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Request
Identifier: 64
Authentic: <164><140><146><151>jz<218>8{\<185>Zb<223><30>u
User-Name = "PROXSYS\rvannoorloos"
Calling-Station-Id = "00-16-ea-6e-10-8c"
Called-Station-Id = "00-27-0d-ec-0f-00:office-test.wlan.proxsys.net"
NAS-Port = 1
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = "NM-WLC"
Airespace-WLAN-Id = 15
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-MTU = 1300
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
Tunnel-Type = 0:VLAN
Tunnel-Medium-Type = 0:802
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = 316
EAP-Message = <2><4><0><6><25><0>
Message-Authenticator = <164><212><28><198>V<212><140>s<227><11><151>K<20>r<194>&
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'DefaultHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 4, 6, 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Response type 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Access challenged for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos: EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Challenge
Identifier: 64
Authentic: <169><156><156><202><156>h^<151><179>t<183><175><242>~<193>P
EAP-Message = <1><5><3><238><25>@~$M<201><236>0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><5><5><0>0<129><169>1<11>0<9><6><3>U<4><6><19><2>US1<21>0<19><6><3>U<4><10><19><12>thawte, Inc.1(0&<6><3>U<4><11><19><31>Certification Services Division1806<6><3>U<4><11><19>/(c) 2006 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only1<31>0<29><6><3>U<4><3><19><22>thawte Primary Root CA0<30><23><13>100208000000Z<23><13>200207235959Z0<1<11>0<9><6><3>U<4><6><19><2>US1<21>0<19><6><3>U<4>
EAP-Message = <10><19><12>Thawte, Inc.1<22>0<20><6><3>U<4><3><19><13>Thawte SSL CA0<130><1>"0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><1><5><0><3><130><1><15><0>0<130><1><10><2><130><1><1><0><153><228><133>[vI}/<5><216><197><172><200><200><169><211><220><152><230><215>4<166>/<12><242>"&<216><163><201><20>L<143><5><164>E<232><20><12>X<144><5><26><183><197><193><6><165><128><175><187><29>IkR4<136><195>Y<231><239>k<196>'A<140>+f<29><208><224><163><151><152><25>4KA<213><152><213><199><5><173><162><228><215><237><12><173>O<193><181><176>!<253>>PS<178><196><144><208><212>0gl<154><241><14>t<196><194><220><138><232><151><255><201><146><174><1><138>V<10><152>2<176><0>#<236><144><26>`<195><237><187>:<203><15>c<159><13>D<201>R<225>%<150><191><237>P<149><137><127>V<20><177><183>a<29><28><7><140>:,<247><255><128><222>9E<213><175><26><209>x<216><199>qj
EAP-Message = <163><25><167>2P!<233><242><14><161><198><19><3>DH<209>f<168>RW<215><17><180><147><139><229><153><159>]<231>xQ<229>M<246><183>Y<180>v<181><9>7M<6>8<19>z<28><8><152>\<196>HJ<203>R<160><169><248><177><157><142>{y<176> /<<150><168><17>bG<187><17><2><3><1><0><1><163><129><251>0<129><248>02<6><8>+<6><1><5><5><7><1><1><4>&0$0"<6><8>+<6><1><5><5><7>0<1><134><22>http://ocsp.thawte.com0<18><6><3>U<29><19><1><1><255><4><8>0<6><1><1><255><2><1><0>04<6><3>U<29><31><4>-0+0)<160>'<160>%<134>#http://crl.thawte.com/ThawtePCA.crl0<14><6><3>U<29><15><1><1><255><4><4><3><2><1><6>0(<6><3>U<29><17><4>!0<31><164><29>0<27>1<25>0<23><6><3>U<4><3><19>
EAP-Message = <16>VeriSignMPKI-2-90<29><6><3>U<29><14><4><22><4><20><167><162><131><187>4E@=<252><213>0O<18><185>><161><1><159><246><219>0<31><6><3>U<29>#<4><24>0<22><128><20>{[E<207><175><206><203>z<253>1<146><26>j<182><243>F<235>WHP0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><5><5><0><3><130><1><1><0><128>"<128><224>l<200><149><22><215>W&<135><243>r4<219><198>rV'><211><150><246>.%<145><165>>3<151><167>K<229>/<251>%}/<7>a<250>o<131>tLLSr <164>z<207>QQV<129><136><176>m<31>6,<200>+<177><136><153><193><254>D<171>HQ|<216><242>Dd*<216>q<167><251><26>/<249><25><141>4<178>#<191><196>LU<29><142>D<232><170>]<154><221><159><253><3><199><186>$C<141>-GD<219><246><216><152><200><178><249><218><239><237>)\i<18><250><209>#<150><15><191><156><13><242>yES7<154>V/<232>
Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Request
Identifier: 65
Authentic: <144><167>Oa<183><5><207><181><198><138><13>1<156><169><188>u
User-Name = "PROXSYS\rvannoorloos"
Calling-Station-Id = "00-16-ea-6e-10-8c"
Called-Station-Id = "00-27-0d-ec-0f-00:office-test.wlan.proxsys.net"
NAS-Port = 1
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = "NM-WLC"
Airespace-WLAN-Id = 15
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-MTU = 1300
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
Tunnel-Type = 0:VLAN
Tunnel-Medium-Type = 0:802
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = 316
EAP-Message = <2><5><0><6><25><0>
Message-Authenticator = z<253>P<131>N<137>g<21><229>2<13><224>V4<172>`
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'DefaultHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 5, 6, 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Response type 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Access challenged for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos: EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Challenge
Identifier: 65
Authentic: ZMYxSu<7>y<207><255><145><196>q<175><176><162>
EAP-Message = <1><6><3><238><25>@W<16>p<246><238><137><12>I<137><154><193>#<245><194>*<204>A<207>"<171>en<183><148><130>m/@_X<222><235><149>+<166>rhR<25><145>*<174>u<157>N<146><230><202><222>T<234><24><171>%<<230>d<166>y<31>&}a<237>}<210><229>qU<216><147><23>|<20>80<<223><134><227>L<173>I<227><151>Y<206><27><155>+<206><220>e<212><11>(kN<132>FQD<247>3<8>-X<151>!<174><0><4>I0<130><4>E0<130><3><174><160><3><2><1><2><2><16>3eP<8>y<173>s<226>0<185><224><29><13><127><172><145>0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><5><5><0>0<129><206>1<11>0<9><6><3>U<4><6><19><2>ZA1<21>0<19><6><3>U<4><8><19><12>Western Cape1<18>0<16><6><3>U<4><7><19><9>Cape Town1<29>0<27><6><3>U<4><10><19><20>Thawte Consulting
EAP-Message = cc1(0&<6><3>U<4><11><19><31>Certification Services Division1!0<31><6><3>U<4><3><19><24>Thawte Premium Server CA1(0&<6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><9><1><22><25>premium-server at thawte.com0<30><23><13>061117000000Z<23><13>201230235959Z0<129><169>1<11>0<9><6><3>U<4><6><19><2>US1<21>0<19><6><3>U<4><10><19><12>thawte, Inc.1(0&<6><3>U<4><11><19><31>Certification Services Division1806<6><3>U<4><11><19>/(c) 2006
EAP-Message = thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only1<31>0<29><6><3>U<4><3><19><22>thawte Primary Root CA0<130><1>"0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><1><5><0><3><130><1><15><0>0<130><1><10><2><130><1><1><0><172><160><240><251><128>Y<212><156><199><164><207><157><161>Ys<9><16>E<12><13>,nh<241>l[HhIY7<252><11>3<25><194>w<127><204><16>-<149>4<28><230><235>M<9><167><28><210><184><201><151>6<2><183><137><212>$_<6><192><204>D<148><148><141><2>bo<235>Z<221><17><141>(<154>\<132><144><16>z<13><189>tf/j8<160><226><213>TD<235><29><7><159><7><186>o<238><233><253>N<11>)<245>><132><160><1><241><156><171><248><28>~<137><164><232><161><216>qe<13><163>Q{<238><188><210>"`<13><185>[<157><223><186><252>Q[<11><175><152><178>
EAP-Message = <233>.<233><4><232>b<135><222>+<200><215>N<193>Ld<30><221><207><135>X<186>JO<202>h<7><29><28><157>J<198><213>/<145><204>|qr<28><197><192>g<235>2<253><201><146>\<148><218><133><192><155><191>S}+<9><244><140><157><145><31><151>jR<203><222><9>6<164>w<216>{<135>PD<213>>n)i<251>9I&<30><9><165><128>{@-<235><232>'<133><201><254>a<253>~<230>|<151><29><213><157><2><3><1><0><1><163><129><194>0<129><191>0<15><6><3>U<29><19><1><1><255><4><5>0<3><1><1><255>0;<6><3>U<29> <4>40200<6><4>U<29> <0>0(0&<6><8>+<6><1><5><5><7><2><1><22><26>https://www.thawte.com/cps0<14><6><3>U<29><15><1><1><255><4><4><3><2><1><6>0<29><6><3>U<29><14><4><22><4><20>{[E<207><175><206><203>z<253>1<146><26>j<182><243>F<235>WHP0@<6>
Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Request
Identifier: 66
Authentic: <205><12>I<134><129>j<2><208><217><205><169><229><176><188><192>w
User-Name = "PROXSYS\rvannoorloos"
Calling-Station-Id = "00-16-ea-6e-10-8c"
Called-Station-Id = "00-27-0d-ec-0f-00:office-test.wlan.proxsys.net"
NAS-Port = 1
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = "NM-WLC"
Airespace-WLAN-Id = 15
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-MTU = 1300
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
Tunnel-Type = 0:VLAN
Tunnel-Medium-Type = 0:802
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = 316
EAP-Message = <2><6><0><6><25><0>
Message-Authenticator = <163><188>4O<154><173><173><137><<171>,<188>'<254><139><156>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'DefaultHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 6, 6, 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Response type 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Access challenged for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos: EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Challenge
Identifier: 66
Authentic: <176><175>;<159>G<10>0<239><128><199>9<31><193><231><208><173>
EAP-Message = <1><7><3><238><25>@<3>U<29><31><4>90705<160>3<160>1<134>/http://crl.thawte.com/ThawtePremiumServerCA.crl0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><5><5><0><3><129><129><0><132><168>L<201>>*<188><154><226><204><143><11><178>%w<196>a<137><137>cZ<212><163><21>@<212><251>^?<180>C<234>c<23>+k<153>t<158><9><168><221><212>V<21>.zy1_c<150>S<27>4<217><21><234>Omp<202><190><246><130><169><237><218><133>w<204>v<28>j<129><10>!<216>A<153><127>^.<130><193><232><170><247><147><129><5><170><146><180><31><183><154><192><7><23><245><203><198><180>L<14><215>V<220>q t8<214>t<198><214><143>k<175><139><141><160>l)<11>a<224><0><3>+0<130><3>'0<130><2><144><160><3><2><1><2><2><1><1>0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><4><5><0>0<129><206>
EAP-Message = 1<11>0<9><6><3>U<4><6><19><2>ZA1<21>0<19><6><3>U<4><8><19><12>Western Cape1<18>0<16><6><3>U<4><7><19><9>Cape Town1<29>0<27><6><3>U<4><10><19><20>Thawte Consulting cc1(0&<6><3>U<4><11><19><31>Certification Services Division1!0<31><6><3>U<4><3><19><24>Thawte Premium Server CA1(0&<6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><9><1><22><25>premium-server at thawte.com0<30><23><13>960801000000Z<23><13>201231235959Z0<129><206>1<11>0<9><6><3>U<4><6><19><2>Z
EAP-Message = A1<21>0<19><6><3>U<4><8><19><12>Western Cape1<18>0<16><6><3>U<4><7><19><9>Cape Town1<29>0<27><6><3>U<4><10><19><20>Thawte Consulting cc1(0&<6><3>U<4><11><19><31>Certification Services Division1!0<31><6><3>U<4><3><19><24>Thawte Premium Server CA1(0&<6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><9><1><22><25>premium-server at thawte.com0<129><159>0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><1><5><0><3><129><141><0>0<129><137><2><129><129><0><210>66j<139><215><194>[<158><218><129>Ab<143>8<238>I<4>U<214><208><239><28><27><149><22>G<239><24>H
EAP-Message = 5:R<244>+j<6><143>;/<234>V<227><175><134><141><158><23><247><158><180>eu<2>M<239><203><9><162>!Q<216><155><208>g<208><186><13><146><6><20>s<212><147><203><151>*<0><156>\N<12><188><250><21>R<252><242>Dn<218><17>Jn<8><159>/-<227><249><170>:<134>s<182>FSX<200><137><5><189><131><17><184>s?<170><7><141><244>BM<231>@<157><28>7<2><3><1><0><1><163><19>0<17>0<15><6><3>U<29><19><1><1><255><4><5>0<3><1><1><255>0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><4><5><0><3><129><129><0>&H,<22><194>X<250><232><22>t<12><170><170>_T?<242><215><201>x`^^n7c"w6~<178><23><196>4<185><245><8><133><252><201><1>8<255>M<190><242><22>BC<231><187>ZF<251><193><198><17><31><241>J<176>(F<201><195><196>B}<188><250><171>Yn<213><183>Q<136><17><227><164><133><25>k<130>L<164><12><18><173><233><164><174>?<241><195>Ie<154><140><197><200>>%<183>
Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Request
Identifier: 67
Authentic: <185>%<155>><236><219><183><194><151>aO<8><6><136>J<158>
User-Name = "PROXSYS\rvannoorloos"
Calling-Station-Id = "00-16-ea-6e-10-8c"
Called-Station-Id = "00-27-0d-ec-0f-00:office-test.wlan.proxsys.net"
NAS-Port = 1
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = "NM-WLC"
Airespace-WLAN-Id = 15
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-MTU = 1300
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
Tunnel-Type = 0:VLAN
Tunnel-Medium-Type = 0:802
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = 316
EAP-Message = <2><7><0><6><25><0>
Message-Authenticator = <3>{<11><239><9><215><203><138>d7<152><228><190>q<186>e
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'DefaultHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 7, 6, 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Response type 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Access challenged for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos: EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Challenge
Identifier: 67
Authentic: <156><186><174>[<187><221>,<243><210><135><242><174><153><221>2<248>
EAP-Message = <1><8><0>'<25><0><148><153><187><146>2q<7><240><134>^<237>P'<166><13><166>#<249><187><203><166><7><20>B<22><3><1><0><4><14><0><0><0>
Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Request
Identifier: 68
Authentic: 5.<17>&<213><216><151>%<208><227><9>if<190>j<215>
User-Name = "PROXSYS\rvannoorloos"
Calling-Station-Id = "00-16-ea-6e-10-8c"
Called-Station-Id = "00-27-0d-ec-0f-00:office-test.wlan.proxsys.net"
NAS-Port = 1
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = "NM-WLC"
Airespace-WLAN-Id = 15
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-MTU = 1300
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
Tunnel-Type = 0:VLAN
Tunnel-Medium-Type = 0:802
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = 316
EAP-Message = <2><8><0><208><25><128><0><0><0><198><22><3><1><0><134><16><0><0><130><0><128>~hv<30>t<157><184>G<224><140><30><174>VM<229>N<8>AVb<175><184><219><214>a<<204>,<180><[<136><7>AQ<183><215><1><239><165><129><10>Z/<139><5><145><157><191><225><28><180><241><143>$<157>"<128><198><193>I<206><19>]<127><7><184>U%<1><22>d<192>7<212><246>\O<255><175><173><14><131>z<220><15><233>3<166>]<185>a#Z<147><161>|<168>mY<128><136><170><215><186>U<23><218><144><224><200><11><207>1\<179><210>$<162><160>t<0><151>X<253>bZv<20><3><1><0><1><1><22><3><1><0>0<250>9$a<6><175>[<3>J`@<19><26><211>pYZ<171>O<204><149><242><142>_<140><138><253>y<210><176>:6<19>F<26><139><188>Th<189><172><13><213>,<165><31>t2
Message-Authenticator = <218><21>}<6>w<26><213><127><203>T<218>b<30>v<184><183>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'DefaultHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 8, 208, 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Response type 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP TLS SSL_accept result: 1, 0, 3
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Access challenged for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos: EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Challenge
Identifier: 68
Authentic: ";<222>b<235><9>c<251><188>c<189><127><160>1<201><209>
EAP-Message = <1><9><0>E<25><128><0><0><0>;<20><3><1><0><1><1><22><3><1><0>0<19><175>b<19><144>c<4>S<203>g$<233><206><128>~<164><219><225>`<215><227><249><8>5<0><168>jy1<7><22><212><220>|<194>Yq<15><135>z<161>-<2<3>~o<159>
Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Request
Identifier: 69
Authentic: <152><167><171><216><186><181><29><231><139><128><252>.<143><207>b<255>
User-Name = "PROXSYS\rvannoorloos"
Calling-Station-Id = "00-16-ea-6e-10-8c"
Called-Station-Id = "00-27-0d-ec-0f-00:office-test.wlan.proxsys.net"
NAS-Port = 1
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = "NM-WLC"
Airespace-WLAN-Id = 15
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-MTU = 1300
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
Tunnel-Type = 0:VLAN
Tunnel-Medium-Type = 0:802
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = 316
EAP-Message = <2><9><0><6><25><0>
Message-Authenticator = <233><210><138>MR<237><219>w<185><207><154><229><174><138>;<12>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'DefaultHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 9, 6, 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Response type 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Access challenged for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos: EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Challenge
Identifier: 69
Authentic: xB<159>c<251>I<<210><247>a<151><156>J<201>66
EAP-Message = <1><10><0>+<25><0><23><3><1><0> qCa<18><216>v{<134><5><141><222><5>E)LiZj^l<127><236>~G<17><175><251><134>M<206><14><253>
Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Request
Identifier: 70
Authentic: <218><30>CaZ<196><19><151><152><191>/<185><167>x<248><6>
User-Name = "PROXSYS\rvannoorloos"
Calling-Station-Id = "00-16-ea-6e-10-8c"
Called-Station-Id = "00-27-0d-ec-0f-00:office-test.wlan.proxsys.net"
NAS-Port = 1
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = "NM-WLC"
Airespace-WLAN-Id = 15
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-MTU = 1300
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
Tunnel-Type = 0:VLAN
Tunnel-Medium-Type = 0:802
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = 316
EAP-Message = <2><10><0>;<25><0><23><3><1><0>0_<165><11>/<190>J<181>k<179>2f~<152><182><235>RO<221><179>:<1>f+<25><17>*<187><211>>i<144><192><24>k<216><203>?<221><155><131>zQ<145> |5<24><186>
Message-Authenticator = VF<164>FO<202><195>j<185><137>K<176>z<187><159>R
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'DefaultHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 10, 59, 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Response type 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP PEAP inner authentication request for anonymous
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: PEAP Tunnelled request Packet dump:
Code: Access-Request
Identifier: UNDEF
Authentic: <19><136><231>"><143><10><173><240><238>E<211>NZ<145><240>
EAP-Message = <2><10><0><21><1>PROXSYS\rvannoorloos
Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = "NM-WLC"
NAS-Port = 1
Calling-Station-Id = "00-16-ea-6e-10-8c"
User-Name = "anonymous"
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'DefaultHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for anonymous,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for anonymous,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for anonymous,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 10, 21, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Response type 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Access challenged for anonymous: EAP PEAP Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Returned PEAP tunnelled packet dump:
Code: Access-Challenge
Identifier: UNDEF
Authentic: <19><136><231>"><143><10><173><240><238>E<211>NZ<145><240>
EAP-Message = <1><11><0><6><25>!
Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP PEAP inner authentication redispatched to a Handler
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP inner authentication redispatched to a Handler
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP inner authentication redispatched to a Handler
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Access challenged for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos: EAP PEAP inner authentication redispatched to a Handler
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Challenge
Identifier: 70
Authentic: X<183><236><206>0<12><238> <215><255><162><164><247>]<20><129>
EAP-Message = <1><11><0>+<25><0><23><3><1><0> wHx<19><137><5>)&<31>N<227><143>Q<255><0>z\ap,s=<244><244><220><147><20><24><233><241><226>&
Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Request
Identifier: 71
Authentic: <250>F<132>(<139>w<25><3><249><150>D)F<252>^&
User-Name = "PROXSYS\rvannoorloos"
Calling-Station-Id = "00-16-ea-6e-10-8c"
Called-Station-Id = "00-27-0d-ec-0f-00:office-test.wlan.proxsys.net"
NAS-Port = 1
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = "NM-WLC"
Airespace-WLAN-Id = 15
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-MTU = 1300
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
Tunnel-Type = 0:VLAN
Tunnel-Medium-Type = 0:802
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = 316
EAP-Message = <2><11><0>+<25><0><23><3><1><0> .<246><189><237>!<170><25><144>v<25><211>B<21>G<221><214><150><135><128><31><241><140><240>X<25><142><245><177>@<<4>X
Message-Authenticator = <195><183><142>,<23><128><187><239><243><178>Q<186>:<216><203>T
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'DefaultHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 11, 43, 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Response type 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP PEAP inner authentication request for anonymous
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: PEAP Tunnelled request Packet dump:
Code: Access-Request
Identifier: UNDEF
Authentic: <246>djo<135><11><207><232><238><237>CM<128><17><4>H
EAP-Message = <2><11><0><2><3><26>
Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = "NM-WLC"
NAS-Port = 1
Calling-Station-Id = "00-16-ea-6e-10-8c"
User-Name = "anonymous"
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'DefaultHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for anonymous,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for anonymous,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for anonymous,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 11, 2, 3
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Response type 3
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP Nak desires type 26
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP MSCHAP-V2 Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: CHALLENGE, EAP MSCHAP-V2 Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: CHALLENGE, EAP MSCHAP-V2 Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Access challenged for anonymous: EAP MSCHAP-V2 Challenge
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Returned PEAP tunnelled packet dump:
Code: Access-Challenge
Identifier: UNDEF
Authentic: <246>djo<135><11><207><232><238><237>CM<128><17><4>H
EAP-Message = <1><12><0>(<26><1><12><0>#<16>p<181>\<137><161><244>6<10>Y<195><217><22><237><26><254><24>rvannoorloos01
Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP PEAP inner authentication redispatched to a Handler
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP inner authentication redispatched to a Handler
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP inner authentication redispatched to a Handler
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Access challenged for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos: EAP PEAP inner authentication redispatched to a Handler
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Challenge
Identifier: 71
Authentic: <213>b <157><180>s<141><26>z&qG<244>B><160>
EAP-Message = <1><12><0>K<25><0><23><3><1><0>@<183><216><217><21>2<160>r<163><222><155>5<186>{<27><169><3>+<195><133><174><7><214>U<169>{<252><136><201><196><162><243>WsH<239><137><144><227><155><142><155><248><14><8>K$x<252><237>G<206><216><20><149><190><11>4<254>O<196>//<247>n
Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Request
Identifier: 72
Authentic: <12>*K<133>J<159>z<<140><186><205><11><168><177><8><12>
User-Name = "PROXSYS\rvannoorloos"
Calling-Station-Id = "00-16-ea-6e-10-8c"
Called-Station-Id = "00-27-0d-ec-0f-00:office-test.wlan.proxsys.net"
NAS-Port = 1
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = "NM-WLC"
Airespace-WLAN-Id = 15
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-MTU = 1300
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
Tunnel-Type = 0:VLAN
Tunnel-Medium-Type = 0:802
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = 316
EAP-Message = <2><12><0>k<25><0><23><3><1><0>`<20><247><241>V"Y<240><180>IE,<160><140>F<215><7><135><159>u<206><172><184>3/<169><238>/r<23><168>7<132><241><182><246><24><177>C<21>Q#<249><213><209>7c<133><241><192><171><160><236>F<186><223>?S<180><158><18><246><159><155><128>[4<140><127>{<13><201><149><195><214><196><29>Z~<242><155>[<217>O<161>@%<155><130><166>^<152>'<200><22><244>E
Message-Authenticator = A<143><9><197>B<192><209><232>]<217><204><185>`b<255><231>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'DefaultHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 12, 107, 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Response type 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP PEAP inner authentication request for anonymous
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: PEAP Tunnelled request Packet dump:
Code: Access-Request
Identifier: UNDEF
Authentic: <216><193><17><246>\<157><236><16>!<235><195><141><227>O<149>(
EAP-Message = <2><12><0>K<26><2><12><0>J1c1<190><212>%<137><213><31><172><197><24><244>g<19>i<207><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>7<201><218>Q<149><227>4<149><21><193><211><9><135><135>aZ<141><188><214><202><172><152><25><21><0>PROXSYS\rvannoorloos
Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = "NM-WLC"
NAS-Port = 1
Calling-Station-Id = "00-16-ea-6e-10-8c"
User-Name = "anonymous"
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'DefaultHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for anonymous,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for anonymous,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for anonymous,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 12, 75, 26
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Response type 26
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Query is: 'EXEC spGetAuthenticationSource 'PROXSYS\rvannoorloos', 'Wireless-IEEE-802-11', 'Framed-User', ''':
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL looks for match with PROXSYS\rvannoorloos [anonymous]
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL ACCEPT: : PROXSYS\rvannoorloos [anonymous]
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 1, EAP MSCHAP-V2 Authentication failure
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: REJECT, EAP MSCHAP-V2 Authentication failure
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: REJECT, EAP MSCHAP-V2 Authentication failure
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: INFO: Access rejected for anonymous: EAP MSCHAP-V2 Authentication failure
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Returned PEAP tunnelled packet dump:
Code: Access-Reject
Identifier: UNDEF
Authentic: <216><193><17><246>\<157><236><16>!<235><195><141><227>O<149>(
EAP-Message = <4><12><0><4>
Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
Reply-Message = "Request Denied"
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP PEAP inner authentication redispatched to a Handler
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP inner authentication redispatched to a Handler
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP inner authentication redispatched to a Handler
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Access challenged for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos: EAP PEAP inner authentication redispatched to a Handler
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Challenge
Identifier: 72
Authentic: <144><128>%<238><215>.<165><207>J<27>(<207><9>!<133>U
EAP-Message = <1><13><0>+<25><0><23><3><1><0> <134><31><200>q<159><20><221>v-=D<245><218>t#<133><154>)>rDt<251>*Pk<165><3><172><184><245>}
Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Request
Identifier: 73
Authentic: <231><11><202><165><146><152><158><160>Z`<29>As<153>*<144>
User-Name = "PROXSYS\rvannoorloos"
Calling-Station-Id = "00-16-ea-6e-10-8c"
Called-Station-Id = "00-27-0d-ec-0f-00:office-test.wlan.proxsys.net"
NAS-Port = 1
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = "NM-WLC"
Airespace-WLAN-Id = 15
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-MTU = 1300
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
Tunnel-Type = 0:VLAN
Tunnel-Medium-Type = 0:802
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = 316
EAP-Message = <2><13><0>+<25><0><23><3><1><0> ,<235><25><25>o\<136><168>=j<174><11><28>_<215><185><184><1><228><175><241>)<225><165><199><167><206><148><252><151>(<29>
Message-Authenticator = h<220><217><245><247><31><142>G<171><20>J<7><164><217>w<149>
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'DefaultHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AccountingHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: REJECT, Authentication disabled
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthHANDLER:
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER is redirecting to Handler 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler '', Identifier 'AuthenticationHandler'
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Deleting session for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos,, 1
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: DETERMINE_AUTH_BACKEND
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 13, 43, 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Response type 25
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 1, PEAP Authentication Failure
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: REJECT, PEAP Authentication Failure
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy HANDLER result: REJECT, PEAP Authentication Failure
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: INFO: Access rejected for PROXSYS\rvannoorloos: PEAP Authentication Failure
Wed May 18 11:34:05 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 32770 ....
Code: Access-Reject
Identifier: 73
Authentic: f<219><206>6<236><243><7><213><5><14>U<0><173><235><240><201>
EAP-Message = <4><13><0><4>
Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
Reply-Message = "Request Denied"
# Default Handler
Identifier DefaultHandler
Log GenericNormalLogging
Log GenericDebugLogging
AuthLog AuthFileLogger
AuthLog AuthSyslogLogger
AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept
# Process Accounting (if Accounting message)
HandlerId AccountingHandler
# Process Authentication
HandlerId AuthenticationHandler
# Accounting Handler
Identifier AccountingHandler
<AuthBy SQL>
DBUsername %{GlobalVar:DB_ACCOUNTING_USER}
# But do accounting
AccountingTable tblAccounting
AcctColumnDef User-Name
AcctInsertQuery EXEC spProcessRequest '%{Acct-Session-Id}', '%{User-Name}', '%{IntegerVal:Acct-Status-Type}', '%{$Acct-Session-Time}', '%{Acct-Input-Octets}', '%{Acct-Output-Octets}', '%{Framed-IP-Address}', '%{NAS-IP-Address}', '%{Cisco-AV-Pair:isakmp-initator-ip}', '%{Cisco-AV-Pair:webvpn-client-ip-address}', '%{NAS-Port-Type}', '%{Service-Type}', '%{NAS-Port-ID}', '%{Acct-Termination-Cause}', '%{Called-Station-Id}', '%{Calling-Station-Id}', '%{h323-remote-address}', '%{h323-call-origin}', '%{Cisco-AV-Pair:call-id}', '%{h323-call-type}', '%{Cisco-AV-Pair:in-carrier-id}', '%{h323-setup-time}', '%{h323-disconnect-time}', '%{h323-conf-id}', '%{acct-input-gigawords}', '%{acct-output-gigawords}';
# Authentication Handler
Identifier AuthenticationHandler
AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
# Determine backend
<AuthBy SQL>
EAPTLS_CAFile certificates/proxsys/PROXSYS-Wildcard-CA.pem
EAPTLS_CertificateFile certificates/proxsys/PROXSYS-Wildcard.pem
EAPTLS_CertificateType PEM
EAPTLS_PrivateKeyFile certificates/proxsys/PROXSYS-Wildcard.pem
EAPTLS_PrivateKeyPassword 123proxsys
EAPTLS_MaxFragmentSize 1000
DBUsername %{GlobalVar:DB_PMS_USER}
AuthSelect EXEC spGetAuthenticationSource %0, %{Quote:%{NAS-Port-Type}%{OuterRequest:NAS-Port-Type}}, %{Quote:%{Service-Type}%{OuterRequest:Service-Type}}, %{Quote:%{Acct-Session-Id}%{OuterRequest:Acct-Session-Id}}
AuthColumnDef 0, AUTH_BACKEND, request
AuthColumnDef 1, CONNECTION_ID, request
# Call correct Handler to perform authentication
# Retrieve Connection ID based on optional previous authentication
# request. E.g. VPN Phase 1 / 2 authentication scenarios.
<AuthBy SQL>
DBUsername %{GlobalVar:DB_PMS_USER}
AuthSelect EXEC spGetFinalConnectionID %{CONNECTION_ID}, %{Quote:%{Acct-Session-Id}}
AuthColumnDef 0, CONNECTION_ID_FINAL, request
# Call Handler for reply-attributes
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