[RADIATOR] Radiator problem

Augusto Cabrera acabrera at etapa.net.ec
Tue Mar 1 12:13:40 CST 2011

Hi I am configuring WiMAX radiator for authentication with the CPES are zyxel, but I have authentication errors please i need help, the setup I have is the following:

[root at wimax radiator]# vi radius.cfg

# wimax.cfg
# Example Radiator configuration file.
# This very simple file will allow you to get started with
# a simple WiMAX system. You can then add and change features.
# We suggest you start simple, prove to yourself that it
# works and then develop a more complicated configuration.
DefineFormattedGlobalVar RadiatorDir /etc/radiator
LogDir %{GlobalVar:RadiatorDir}/logs
DbDir  %{GlobalVar:RadiatorDir}/raddb
LogFile  %L/%Y-%m-%d-radius.txt
RewriteUsername tr/A-Z/a-z/
RewriteUsername s/\s+//g
DictionaryFile  %{GlobalVar:RadiatorDir}/dictionary

# User a lower trace level in production systems:
Trace           4
AuthPort 1812
AcctPort 1813

# You will probably want to add other Clients to suit your site,
# one for each NAS you want to work with
#<Client DEFAULT>
#       Secret  mysecret
#       DupInterval 0

        Secret  wimaxwimax
        Identifier WIMAX
        DupInterval 5

        Secret  mysecret
        Identifier totoracocha
        SNMPCommunity ras
#       DupInterval 0

# This works with the sample SQL tables created by
# goodies/wimax.sql
# test with goodies/wimaxtest as a simple test client
       # Implement MS Revocation List using a table in the SQL database
       # Other modules such as SQl can be used. Required by Alcatel-Lucent
       AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
       <AuthBy SQL>
                # Details for accessing the SQL database that contains
                # user/device passwords, Device-Sessions etc.
                # This should match the username created in wimax.sql
                DBSource dbi:mysql:wimax
                DBUsername      mikem
                DBAuth          fred
                AuthenticateAttribute Calling-Station-Id
                AuthSelect select reason from blacklist where nai=%0

        <AuthBy WIMAX>
                Identifier      AAA-WIMAX
                # Details for accessing the SQL database that contains
                # user/device passwords, Device-Sessions etc.
                # This should match the username created in wimax.sql
                DBSource dbi:mysql:wimax
                DBUsername      mikem
                DBAuth          fred

                # The max lifetime of eack key, in seconds.
                # Defaults to 3600 seconds (1 hour)
                #KeyLifetime 3600

                # If WiMAX-DHCPv4-Server or WiMAX-DHCPv6-Server are set
                # in the reply, AuthBY WIMAX wil automatically generate
                # a DHCP key for that address, and wil provide that key
                # if the DHCP server later asks for it
                AddToReplyIfNotExist WiMAX-DHCPv4-Server=

                # Indicates whether to honour various hotlining options
                # If any are set, and the subscription has a hotlineprofile
                # then appropriate columns will be returned from the
                # hotlineprofiles table
                # They are also used to set the Hotlining capabilities
                # in WiMAX-Capability

                # WiMAX is required to handle at least TTLS
                # We can handle any tpe that generates MSK and EMSK
                EAPType TTLS, TLS, PEAP, MSCHAP-V2, PSK, PAX, FAST, SIM, AKA
                EAPTLS_CAFile /etc/radiator/certificados/cacert.pem
                EAPTLS_CertificateFile /etc/radiator/certificados/servidor-cert.pem
                EAPTLS_CertificateType PEM
                EAPTLS_PrivateKeyFile /etc/radiator/certificados/serv-priv.pem
                EAPTLS_PrivateKeyPassword quitomiciudad

                # Try to match a certificate CN against an attribute in the
                # incoming request. If matched, return the match else undef
                # Called like EAPTLS_CommonNameHook($cn, $username, $identity, $p)
                # This example attempts to match the CN against the
                # Calling-Station-Id, as rewuired by some WiMAX devices.
                # EAPTLS_CommonNameHook sub {my $cn = $_[0]; my $p = $_[3]; return $cn if $cn eq $p->get_attr('Calling-Station-Id'); return undef;}

                # IF HAPassword is defined, the the HA must send this password
                # in requests sent to this HAAA. The HA must be configured to
                # send this password, otherwise its requests will be REJECTed
                HAPassword mysecret

                # You can alter the authentication query with AuthSelect, and
                # process extra columns with AuthColumnDef. Replies attrs
                # WiMAX-Packet-Flow-Descriptor and WiMAX-QoS-Descriptor will be
                # converted from ASCII to binary format.
                #AuthSelect select subscription.psk, subscription.cui, subscription.hotlineprofile, replyprofile.reply from subscription,replyprofile  where subscription.nai=? and replyprofile.profile=subscription.replyprofile
                #AuthColumnDef    3,GENERIC,reply

                # You can add support for simple accounting using
                # AcctSQLStatement the same as AuthBy SQL
                #AccountingTable        ACCOUNTING
                #AcctColumnDef  USERNAME,User-Name
                # etc....

                # You can customise other SQL queries using during WiMAX
                # processing with GetCachedKeyQuery, GetHotlineProfileQuery,
                # GetQosProfileQuery.

                # MSKInMPPEKeys Forces the MSK to be encoded in
                # MS-MPPE-Send-Key and MS-MPPE-Recv-Key, as well as
                # the usual WiMAX-MSK reply attributes. This is required
                # by some non-compliant clients, such as some Alcatel-Lucent
                # devices.
                #MSKInMPPEKeys 1


        Identifier      AAA-SQL-CDMA
#        MaxSessions 1
         DefaultSimultaneousUse 1

        DBSource        dbi:mysql:radmin:localhost
        DBUsername      radmin
        DBAuth          radminpw
                VALIDTO, CLASE \
                from RADUSERS where USERNAME=%0
#       AuthColumnDef   0,Class,reply
        AuthColumnDef   MAXLOGINS,reply
        AccountingTable RADUSAGE
        AcctColumnDef   USERNAME,User-Name
        AcctColumnDef   TIME_STAMP,Event-Timestamp,integer
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTSTATUSTYPE,Acct-Status-Type,integer
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTDELAYTIME,Acct-Delay-Time,integer
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTINPUTOCTETS,Acct-Input-Octets,integer
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTOUTPUTOCTETS,Acct-Output-Octets,integer
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTSESSIONID,3GPP2-Correlation-Id
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTSESSIONTIME,Acct-Session-Time,integer
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTTERMINATECAUSE,Acct-Terminate-Cause,integer
        AcctColumnDef   NASIDENTIFIER,NAS-IP-Address
        AcctColumnDef   NASPORT,Calling-Station-Id,integer
        AcctColumnDef   FRAMEDIPADDRESS,Framed-IP-Address
        MaxBadLogins    10
        # Controlamos el tiempo mámo de conexióel usuario de acuerdo al horario siguiente
#       AddToReply Session-Timeout = "until Time"

<Handler NAS-IP-Address=, Realm=wimaxtest>
        AuthByPolicy    ContinueWhileAccept
        AuthBy          AAA-SQL-CDMA
        Identifier      CDMA-NOCTURNO

# Handler para manejar WIMAX
<Handler NAS-IP-Address=, Realm=wimaxtest>
        AuthByPolicy    ContinueWhileAccept
        AuthBy          AAA-WIMAX
        Identifier      AUTH-WIMAX

# Handler para manejar WIMAX
<Handler NAS-IP-Address=>
        AuthByPolicy    ContinueWhileAccept
        AuthBy          AAA-WIMAX
        Identifier      AUTH-WIMAX

 The logs I have are:

Code:       Access-Request
Identifier: 50
Authentic:  <0><0>\<204><0><0>l<239><0><0><23><152><0><0>8#
	User-Name = "wimax at wimaxtest"
	NAS-IP-Address =
	Calling-Station-Id = "00256831312f"
	NAS-Identifier = "WASN9770"
	Event-Timestamp = 1298999964
	EAP-Message = <2>l<0><20><1>wimax at wimaxtest
	WiMAX-Capability = <1><5>1.1<2><3><2><3><3><1><5><3><1><4><3><1>
	WiMAX-BS-ID = 00000203f110
	WiMAX-GMT-Timezone-Offset = -18000
	NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802.16
	WiMAX-PPAC = <1><6><0><0><0>c
	Service-Type = Framed-User
	Message-Authenticator = <16><159>@<149><141><165>u<209>n1^<167><179><194>-B

Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 'Realm=DEFAULT', Identifier ''
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG:  Deleting session for wimax at wimaxtest,, 
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: 
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: 
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Query is: 'select reason from blacklist where nai='00256831312f'': 
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL looks for match with 00256831312f [wimax at wimaxtest]
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL REJECT: No such user: 00256831312f [wimax at wimaxtest]
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Query is: 'select reason from blacklist where nai='DEFAULT'': 
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: ACCEPT, No such user
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthWIMAX: AAA-WIMAX
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthWIMAX: AAA-WIMAX
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 108, 20, 1
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Response type 1
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP TTLS Challenge
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy WIMAX result: CHALLENGE, EAP TTLS Challenge
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Access challenged for 00256831312f: EAP TTLS Challenge
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 10002 ....

Packet length = 46
0b 32 00 2e f1 44 7a fa 47 8e c7 8e 1e 42 d8 c9
f9 05 6e a9 4f 08 01 6d 00 06 15 20 50 12 db ab
08 42 3b ad 54 06 28 02 a9 da 50 d9 ee 92
Code:       Access-Challenge
Identifier: 50
Authentic:  <241>Dz<250>G<142><199><142><30>B<216><201><249><5>n<169>
	EAP-Message = <1>m<0><6><21> 
	Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>

Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to wimax at wimaxtest
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to wimax at wimaxtest
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 10002 ....

Packet length = 266
01 33 01 0a 00 00 03 55 00 00 1d 83 00 00 55 2b
00 00 61 d9 01 11 77 69 6d 61 78 40 77 69 6d 61
78 74 65 73 74 04 06 03 03 03 03 1f 0e 30 30 32
35 36 38 33 31 33 31 32 66 20 0a 57 41 53 4e 39
37 37 30 37 06 4d 6d 2a 9c 4f 58 02 6d 00 56 15
80 00 00 00 4c 16 03 01 00 47 01 00 00 43 03 01
00 00 d8 11 7a dc 33 17 0c 8a 36 41 e1 4b d1 cb
5e 05 8e 9b 3f ac 19 a9 b6 fe 83 d4 cd 1f 7f 88
00 00 1c 00 2f 00 35 00 0a 00 05 00 04 00 39 00
38 00 16 00 13 00 33 00 32 00 09 00 15 00 12 01
00 1a 1a 00 00 60 b5 01 14 00 01 05 31 2e 31 02
03 02 03 03 01 05 03 01 04 03 01 1a 15 00 00 60
b5 2e 0f 00 30 30 30 30 30 32 30 33 66 31 31 30
1a 0d 00 00 60 b5 03 07 00 ff ff b9 b0 3d 06 00
00 00 1b 1a 0f 00 00 60 b5 23 09 00 01 06 00 00
00 63 06 06 00 00 00 02 50 12 0f 8b ab 2d 26 4f
9b 5b d9 72 4e 27 00 fe 41 4f
Code:       Access-Request
Identifier: 51
Authentic:  <0><0><3>U<0><0><29><131><0><0>U+<0><0>a<217>
	User-Name = "wimax at wimaxtest"
	NAS-IP-Address =
	Calling-Station-Id = "00256831312f"
	NAS-Identifier = "WASN9770"
	Event-Timestamp = 1298999964
	EAP-Message = <2>m<0>V<21><128><0><0><0>L<22><3><1><0>G<1><0><0>C<3><1><0><0><216><17>z<220>3<23><12><138>6A<225>K<209><203>^<5><142><155>?<172><25><169><182><254><131><212><205><31><127><136><0><0><28><0>/<0>5<0><10><0><5><0><4><0>9<0>8<0><22><0><19><0>3<0>2<0><9><0><21><0><18><1><0>
	WiMAX-Capability = <1><5>1.1<2><3><2><3><3><1><5><3><1><4><3><1>
	WiMAX-BS-ID = 00000203f110
	WiMAX-GMT-Timezone-Offset = -18000
	NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802.16
	WiMAX-PPAC = <1><6><0><0><0>c
	Service-Type = Framed-User
	Message-Authenticator = <15><139><171>-&O<155>[<217>rN'<0><254>AO

Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 'Realm=DEFAULT', Identifier ''
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG:  Deleting session for wimax at wimaxtest,, 
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: 
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: 
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Query is: 'select reason from blacklist where nai='00256831312f'': 
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL looks for match with 00256831312f [wimax at wimaxtest]
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL REJECT: No such user: 00256831312f [wimax at wimaxtest]
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Query is: 'select reason from blacklist where nai='DEFAULT'': 
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: ACCEPT, No such user
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthWIMAX: AAA-WIMAX
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthWIMAX: AAA-WIMAX
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 109, 86, 21
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Response type 21
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: EAP TTLS data, 24576, 109, -1
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: EAP TTLS SSL_accept result: -1, 2, 8576
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP TTLS Challenge
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy WIMAX result: CHALLENGE, EAP TTLS Challenge
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Access challenged for 00256831312f: EAP TTLS Challenge
Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 10002 ....

Packet length = 2114
0b 33 08 42 07 a9 c1 d9 a3 c6 83 cd 42 50 76 17
7d 9e 32 5d 4f ff 01 6e 08 0a 15 c0 00 00 08 ad
16 03 01 00 4a 02 00 00 46 03 01 4d 6d 2a 79 09
45 93 c8 56 21 3b e5 8f 98 ff 89 d7 bc 98 03 11
6f 60 57 bc 72 84 55 36 47 e5 0e 20 44 81 d5 cf
f7 bb 64 77 c4 c4 9e 95 52 ed de c7 ae b5 c3 d7
a1 60 7a 94 59 4b 77 fe 47 11 39 41 00 2f 00 16
03 01 08 50 0b 00 08 4c 00 08 49 00 03 85 30 82
03 81 30 82 02 69 a0 03 02 01 02 02 09 00 cd a9
41 5c 02 d2 f1 4f 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d
01 01 05 05 00 30 81 99 31 0b 30 09 06 03 55 04
06 13 02 45 43 31 0e 30 0c 06 03 55 04 08 13 05
41 7a 75 61 79 31 0f 30 0d 06 03 55 04 07 13 06
43 75 65 6e 63 61 31 10 30 0e 06 03 55 04 0a 13
07 45 54 41 50 41 45 50 31 17 30 15 06 03 55 04
0b 13 0e 43 6f 6d 75 6e 69 63 61 63 69 6f 6e 65
73 31 1b 30 19 06 03 55 04 03 13 12 77 69 6d 61
78 2e 65 4f ff 74 61 70 61 6e 65 74 2e 6e 65 74
31 21 30 1f 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 09 01 16
12 77 69 6d 61 78 40 65 74 61 70 61 6e 65 74 2e
6e 65 74 30 1e 17 0d 31 31 30 32 31 35 31 36 32
32 34 30 5a 17 0d 32 31 30 32 31 32 31 36 32 32
34 30 5a 30 3f 31 1c 30 1a 06 0a 09 92 26 89 93
f2 2c 64 01 19 16 0c 65 74 61 70 61 6e 65 74 2e
6e 65 74 31 0c 30 0a 06 03 55 04 0b 13 03 63 6f
6d 31 11 30 0f 06 03 55 04 03 13 08 65 74 61 70
61 6e 65 74 30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86
f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a
02 82 01 01 00 d2 62 14 ab 68 09 80 4e 5c 5a e2
29 a7 01 8c 3f 2b fb 1d 06 39 a6 0f 35 51 54 8b
28 56 5d 8f c4 da ff d0 91 21 33 56 bf 2b 1c 22
1a a1 29 19 fd 49 74 9c 67 97 3a 00 2a 52 08 e6
d6 fb a6 26 6e ce ee 7e 74 7a 95 33 16 01 37 7c
c6 08 4f ff ae 70 c4 22 63 59 0d 90 04 4b d5 08
d2 a9 ab 64 ad ea fb 3c 33 cc a1 d5 02 ed e2 7b
e7 0b 90 9f 04 5d 08 17 6a 53 28 3a af a8 7a 0b
1a ea 9a 76 ba 6a 94 a8 6b 56 bb 1f 9c b2 a1 b6
88 a8 c3 a6 59 bc 54 10 c7 00 f1 d8 ec 59 0f af
a8 82 42 66 e4 95 47 36 8f 50 93 91 5b da 29 ca
37 da 08 96 56 6c 6a 19 f6 20 77 c3 4e d4 8b bd
74 89 c2 d6 56 24 2c 13 92 b4 a3 a2 17 29 76 97
61 79 95 28 3f 6c ee 3d 7b ee 53 95 0d 9e df b8
95 7c 0f a0 b9 b1 a5 f5 90 b5 cc 07 b2 b5 55 34
95 0d 70 69 c2 2f 6d 81 98 ab c2 9a 7c 53 c1 ee
4b 7f e0 c3 f8 0c 03 02 03 01 00 01 a3 25 30 23
30 0c 06 03 55 1d 13 01 01 ff 04 02 30 00 30 13
06 03 55 1d 25 04 0c 30 0a 06 08 2b 06 01 05 05
07 03 01 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 05
05 00 03 82 01 01 00 52 ae 29 b6 62 14 d2 c2 56
b7 4f ff ed b2 43 bc d5 ad de a4 36 21 43 62 e7
73 ba 80 17 42 34 27 f9 fa 3c 17 4e 97 50 29 59
20 3c 6d 28 64 2e ba 6b c9 b0 66 30 d9 de a8 1a
ed 6b 0e dc 90 0d 64 ea d2 2e 5a 6d 2d d2 39 21
fd 9b e0 2f e8 a5 b1 0c 0d 12 68 5d 74 c2 96 6a
fd cc 43 4c e6 68 45 a7 36 53 4c d6 4a 76 80 bb
b3 89 60 e0 b9 3f 81 33 b3 d3 5e 06 ab b8 2c da
d0 eb 5e 1c 02 06 76 4f 58 f7 f5 bc 70 3c da c6
3a fb f0 fa 2c 17 17 d1 33 37 1d 0b aa 50 a1 a9
85 3b 42 59 9e aa 8d 71 7a 77 46 01 fb 72 fd 27
73 29 07 c5 4a bd cd ab 90 2a da 2c 0f a4 4c 2f
45 70 26 a0 3f 4f 54 58 60 f1 eb ba 5d af 00 ce
34 23 a8 d4 16 6c 17 9c 90 dd b3 4b d7 d3 35 3e
07 0b fb df 06 74 02 08 08 ea c5 c9 ce 35 3d 52
d7 a5 b4 89 d2 7b 29 f8 7c cf b8 8d 85 58 25 7d
98 38 9f 88 9d 13 7d ae 82 00 04 be 30 82 04 ba
4f ff 30 82 03 a2 a0 03 02 01 02 02 09 00 fd 09
d2 fe 86 fb da bc 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d
01 01 05 05 00 30 81 99 31 0b 30 09 06 03 55 04
06 13 02 45 43 31 0e 30 0c 06 03 55 04 08 13 05
41 7a 75 61 79 31 0f 30 0d 06 03 55 04 07 13 06
43 75 65 6e 63 61 31 10 30 0e 06 03 55 04 0a 13
07 45 54 41 50 41 45 50 31 17 30 15 06 03 55 04
0b 13 0e 43 6f 6d 75 6e 69 63 61 63 69 6f 6e 65
73 31 1b 30 19 06 03 55 04 03 13 12 77 69 6d 61
78 2e 65 74 61 70 61 6e 65 74 2e 6e 65 74 31 21
30 1f 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 09 01 16 12 77
69 6d 61 78 40 65 74 61 70 61 6e 65 74 2e 6e 65
74 30 1e 17 0d 31 31 30 32 31 35 31 35 34 33 32
38 5a 17 0d 32 31 30 32 31 32 31 35 34 33 32 38
5a 30 81 99 31 0b 30 09 06 03 55 04 06 13 02 45
43 31 0e 30 0c 06 03 55 04 08 13 05 41 7a 75 4f
ff 61 79 31 0f 30 0d 06 03 55 04 07 13 06 43 75
65 6e 63 61 31 10 30 0e 06 03 55 04 0a 13 07 45
54 41 50 41 45 50 31 17 30 15 06 03 55 04 0b 13
0e 43 6f 6d 75 6e 69 63 61 63 69 6f 6e 65 73 31
1b 30 19 06 03 55 04 03 13 12 77 69 6d 61 78 2e
65 74 61 70 61 6e 65 74 2e 6e 65 74 31 21 30 1f
06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 09 01 16 12 77 69 6d
61 78 40 65 74 61 70 61 6e 65 74 2e 6e 65 74 30
82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01
05 00 03 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00
a0 da bd a9 ad 92 47 8c 21 0d 50 08 5f e1 d2 e7
81 a4 3b 7b bc 75 a4 1b d9 61 7c 5c 22 12 dc 7d
95 09 bf 28 08 93 a6 64 11 85 1d 29 12 4b d2 be
eb d9 48 95 f9 4c 21 d2 25 eb 87 68 0e 1c 8d 13
d4 c8 9f af f6 3a 30 64 3e b3 95 a0 28 ee 0b 26
51 3d 93 79 dd d1 8f 5f d4 ee 66 48 13 d5 4f ff
fd 1e d4 f3 51 77 e0 41 7f 2c a2 d5 60 38 6c 20
a4 f6 67 b4 5c 44 de 11 c4 6e 07 74 bd c9 04 6d
8c f0 77 8a da 2d 46 df 63 ea 73 af 7e 77 b0 88
e5 77 6d d6 1d 05 ec 8e e2 d4 00 4e 60 d1 30 0e
96 e8 86 98 49 30 29 a6 46 91 49 9c 20 b5 d4 63
8e 46 1a d6 36 e7 0f 46 23 7a 7a 38 10 52 88 95
85 e5 19 33 7e fa 67 78 19 2c 9d 26 9e 4e bc e5
30 28 e1 37 0f c3 2f f2 7f b2 76 51 8b e7 22 1a
79 7a ab 0a 88 a4 d6 5c d0 90 11 06 31 00 b5 0d
01 52 69 0c a6 44 82 a4 46 02 b1 2a 5e d0 05 c1
ef 65 02 03 01 00 01 a3 82 01 01 30 81 fe 30 1d
06 03 55 1d 0e 04 16 04 14 56 7d b9 5f 1a ef 1d
3a 55 76 94 d3 c1 b3 f0 2c 4d 3c 0c fd 30 81 ce
06 03 55 1d 23 04 81 c6 30 81 c3 80 14 56 7d b9
5f 1a ef 1d 3a 55 76 94 d3 c1 b3 f0 2c 4d 3c 0c
fd a1 81 9f a4 81 9c 30 81 99 31 0b 30 4f ff 09
06 03 55 04 06 13 02 45 43 31 0e 30 0c 06 03 55
04 08 13 05 41 7a 75 61 79 31 0f 30 0d 06 03 55
04 07 13 06 43 75 65 6e 63 61 31 10 30 0e 06 03
55 04 0a 13 07 45 54 41 50 41 45 50 31 17 30 15
06 03 55 04 0b 13 0e 43 6f 6d 75 6e 69 63 61 63
69 6f 6e 65 73 31 1b 30 19 06 03 55 04 03 13 12
77 69 6d 61 78 2e 65 74 61 70 61 6e 65 74 2e 6e
65 74 31 21 30 1f 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 09
01 16 12 77 69 6d 61 78 40 65 74 61 70 61 6e 65
74 2e 6e 65 74 82 09 00 fd 09 d2 fe 86 fb da bc
30 0c 06 03 55 1d 13 04 05 30 03 01 01 ff 30 0d
06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 05 05 00 03 82 01
01 00 6c c6 d9 5f 09 74 fa 6f 4c 5d c8 19 72 4e
fc f2 4c 74 02 d2 ec 8e b0 a8 61 9b 13 bf ff 92
f6 a9 79 08 f7 69 6e fc 9d 1b 97 66 f4 86 34 cf
bf ab 07 46 f3 b3 0f 2c 29 ed cd 50 4f 24 0f 1a
f3 0b d4 6e 19 7e 9a 76 b0 ed 81 9c 42 34 6b 49
62 80 d0 56 5b f1 b9 12 9a 78 0e e4 8b 2e 9d a5
50 12 48 0d 81 be ef d6 ff 51 1d 9f e4 6f 2e fb
7e 30
Code:       Access-Challenge
Identifier: 51
Authentic:  <7><169><193><217><163><198><131><205>BPv<23>}<158>2]
	EAP-Message = <1>n<8><10><21><192><0><0><8><173><22><3><1><0>J<2><0><0>F<3><1>Mm*y<9>E<147><200>V!;<229><143><152><255><137><215><188><152><3><17>o`W<188>r<132>U6G<229><14> D<129><213><207><247><187>dw<196><196><158><149>R<237><222><199><174><181><195><215><161>`z<148>YKw<254>G<17>9A<0>/<0><22><3><1><8>P<11><0><8>L<0><8>I<0><3><133>0<130><3><129>0<130><2>i<160><3><2><1><2><2><9><0><205><169>A\<2><210><241>O0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><5><5><0>0<129><153>1<11>0<9><6><3>U<4><6><19><2>EC1<14>0<12><6><3>U<4><8><19><5>Azuay1<15>0<13><6><3>U<4><7><19><6>Cuenca1<16>0<14><6><3>U<4><10><19><7>ETAPAEP1<23>0<21><6><3>U<4><11><19><14>Comunicaciones1<27>0<25><6><3>U<4><3><19><18>wimax.e
	EAP-Message = tapanet.net1!0<31><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><9><1><22><18>wimax at etapanet.net0<30><23><13>110215162240Z<23><13>210212162240Z0?1<28>0<26><6><10><9><146>&<137><147><242>,d<1><25><22><12>etapanet.net1<12>0<10><6><3>U<4><11><19><3>com1<17>0<15><6><3>U<4><3><19><8>etapanet0<130><1>"0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><1><5><0><3><130><1><15><0>0<130><1><10><2><130><1><1><0><210>b<20><171>h<9><128>N\Z<226>)<167><1><140>?+<251><29><6>9<166><15>5QT<139>(V]<143><196><218><255><208><145>!3V<191>+<28>"<26><161>)<25><253>It<156>g<151>:<0>*R<8><230><214><251><166>&n<206><238>~tz<149>3<22><1>7|<198><8>
	EAP-Message = <174>p<196>"cY<13><144><4>K<213><8><210><169><171>d<173><234><251><3<204><161><213><2><237><226>{<231><11><144><159><4>]<8><23>jS(:<175><168>z<11><26><234><154>v<186>j<148><168>kV<187><31><156><178><161><182><136><168><195><166>Y<188>T<16><199><0><241><216><236>Y<15><175><168><130>Bf<228><149>G6<143>P<147><145>[<218>)<202>7<218><8><150>Vlj<25><246> w<195>N<212><139><189>t<137><194><214>V$,<19><146><180><163><162><23>)v<151>ay<149>(?l<238>={<238>S<149><13><158><223><184><149>|<15><160><185><177><165><245><144><181><204><7><178><181>U4<149><13>pi<194>/m<129><152><171><194><154>|S<193><238>K<127><224><195><248><12><3><2><3><1><0><1><163>%0#0<12><6><3>U<29><19><1><1><255><4><2>0<0>0<19><6><3>U<29>%<4><12>0<10><6><8>+<6><1><5><5><7><3><1>0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><5><5><0><3><130><1><1><0>R<174>)<182>b<20><210><194>V<183>
	EAP-Message = <237><178>C<188><213><173><222><164>6!Cb<231>s<186><128><23>B4'<249><250><<23>N<151>P)Y <m(d.<186>k<201><176>f0<217><222><168><26><237>k<14><220><144><13>d<234><210>.Zm-<210>9!<253><155><224>/<232><165><177><12><13><18>h]t<194><150>j<253><204>CL<230>hE<167>6SL<214>Jv<128><187><179><137>`<224><185>?<129>3<179><211>^<6><171><184>,<218><208><235>^<28><2><6>vOX<247><245><188>p<<218><198>:<251><240><250>,<23><23><209>37<29><11><170>P<161><169><133>;BY<158><170><141>qzwF<1><251>r<253>'s)<7><197>J<189><205><171><144>*<218>,<15><164>L/Ep&<160>?OTX`<241><235><186>]<175><0><206>4#<168><212><22>l<23><156><144><221><179>K<215><211>5><7><11><251><223><6>t<2><8><8><234><197><201><206>5=R<215><165><180><137><210>{)<248>|<207><184><141><133>X%}<152>8<159><136><157><19>}<174><130><0><4><190>0<130><4><186>
	EAP-Message = 0<130><3><162><160><3><2><1><2><2><9><0><253><9><210><254><134><251><218><188>0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><5><5><0>0<129><153>1<11>0<9><6><3>U<4><6><19><2>EC1<14>0<12><6><3>U<4><8><19><5>Azuay1<15>0<13><6><3>U<4><7><19><6>Cuenca1<16>0<14><6><3>U<4><10><19><7>ETAPAEP1<23>0<21><6><3>U<4><11><19><14>Comunicaciones1<27>0<25><6><3>U<4><3><19><18>wimax.etapanet.net1!0<31><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><9><1><22><18>wimax at etapanet.net0<30><23><13>110215154328Z<23><13>210212154328Z0<129><153>1<11>0<9><6><3>U<4><6><19><2>EC1<14>0<12><6><3>U<4><8><19><5>Azu
	EAP-Message = ay1<15>0<13><6><3>U<4><7><19><6>Cuenca1<16>0<14><6><3>U<4><10><19><7>ETAPAEP1<23>0<21><6><3>U<4><11><19><14>Comunicaciones1<27>0<25><6><3>U<4><3><19><18>wimax.etapanet.net1!0<31><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><9><1><22><18>wimax at etapanet.net0<130><1>"0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><1><5><0><3><130><1><15><0>0<130><1><10><2><130><1><1><0><160><218><189><169><173><146>G<140>!<13>P<8>_<225><210><231><129><164>;{<188>u<164><27><217>a|\"<18><220>}<149><9><191>(<8><147><166>d<17><133><29>)<18>K<210><190><235><217>H<149><249>L!<210>%<235><135>h<14><28><141><19><212><200><159><175><246>:0d><179><149><160>(<238><11>&Q=<147>y<221><209><143>_<212><238>fH<19><213>
	EAP-Message = <253><30><212><243>Qw<224>A<127>,<162><213>`8l <164><246>g<180>\D<222><17><196>n<7>t<189><201><4>m<140><240>w<138><218>-F<223>c<234>s<175>~w<176><136><229>wm<214><29><5><236><142><226><212><0>N`<209>0<14><150><232><134><152>I0)<166>F<145>I<156> <181><212>c<142>F<26><214>6<231><15>F#zz8<16>R<136><149><133><229><25>3~<250>gx<25>,<157>&<158>N<188><229>0(<225>7<15><195>/<242><127><178>vQ<139><231>"<26>yz<171><10><136><164><214>\<208><144><17><6>1<0><181><13><1>Ri<12><166>D<130><164>F<2><177>*^<208><5><193><239>e<2><3><1><0><1><163><130><1><1>0<129><254>0<29><6><3>U<29><14><4><22><4><20>V}<185>_<26><239><29>:Uv<148><211><193><179><240>,M<<12><253>0<129><206><6><3>U<29>#<4><129><198>0<129><195><128><20>V}<185>_<26><239><29>:Uv<148><211><193><179><240>,M<<12><253><161><129><159><164><129><156>0<129><153>1<11>0
	EAP-Message = <9><6><3>U<4><6><19><2>EC1<14>0<12><6><3>U<4><8><19><5>Azuay1<15>0<13><6><3>U<4><7><19><6>Cuenca1<16>0<14><6><3>U<4><10><19><7>ETAPAEP1<23>0<21><6><3>U<4><11><19><14>Comunicaciones1<27>0<25><6><3>U<4><3><19><18>wimax.etapanet.net1!0<31><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><9><1><22><18>wimax at etapanet.net<130><9><0><253><9><210><254><134><251><218><188>0<12><6><3>U<29><19><4><5>0<3><1><1><255>0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><5><5><0><3><130><1><1><0>l<198><217>_<9>t<250>oL]<200><25>rN<252><242>Lt<2><210><236><142><176><168>a<155><19><191><255><146><246><169>y<8><247>in<252><157><27><151>f<244><134>4<207><191><171><7>F<243><179><15>,)<237><205>P
	EAP-Message = <15><26><243><11><212>n<25>~<154>v<176><237><129><156>B4kIb<128><208>V[<241><185><18><154>x<14><228><139>.<157><165>
	Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>

Tue Mar  1 12:18:49 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:18:50 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:18:51 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: ID
Tue Mar  1 12:18:51 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:18:52 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:18:53 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:18:54 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:18:55 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:18:56 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:18:57 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:18:58 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:18:59 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:19:00 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:19:01 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: ID
Tue Mar  1 12:19:01 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:19:02 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:19:03 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:19:04 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:19:05 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:19:06 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:19:07 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:19:08 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:19:09 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:19:10 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:19:11 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: ID
Tue Mar  1 12:19:11 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:19:12 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:19:13 2011: DEBUG: Monitor received command: STATS .
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to wimax at wimaxtest
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to wimax at wimaxtest
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 10032 ....

Packet length = 200
01 26 00 c8 00 00 25 0b 00 00 13 9b 00 00 3f 15
00 00 72 63 01 11 77 69 6d 61 78 40 77 69 6d 61
78 74 65 73 74 04 06 03 03 03 03 1f 0e 30 30 32
35 36 38 33 31 33 31 32 66 20 0a 57 41 53 4e 39
37 37 30 37 06 4d 6d 2a b5 4f 16 02 8a 00 14 01
77 69 6d 61 78 40 77 69 6d 61 78 74 65 73 74 1a
1a 00 00 60 b5 01 14 00 01 05 31 2e 31 02 03 02
03 03 01 05 03 01 04 03 01 1a 15 00 00 60 b5 2e
0f 00 30 30 30 30 30 32 30 33 66 31 31 30 1a 0d
00 00 60 b5 03 07 00 ff ff b9 b0 3d 06 00 00 00
1b 1a 0f 00 00 60 b5 23 09 00 01 06 00 00 00 63
06 06 00 00 00 02 50 12 db a1 8a 64 de 8b 14 b9
51 9e c7 b5 27 aa 60 09
Code:       Access-Request
Identifier: 38
Authentic:  <0><0>%<11><0><0><19><155><0><0>?<21><0><0>rc
	User-Name = "wimax at wimaxtest"
	NAS-IP-Address =
	Calling-Station-Id = "00256831312f"
	NAS-Identifier = "WASN9770"
	Event-Timestamp = 1298999989
	EAP-Message = <2><138><0><20><1>wimax at wimaxtest
	WiMAX-Capability = <1><5>1.1<2><3><2><3><3><1><5><3><1><4><3><1>
	WiMAX-BS-ID = 00000203f110
	WiMAX-GMT-Timezone-Offset = -18000
	NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802.16
	WiMAX-PPAC = <1><6><0><0><0>c
	Service-Type = Framed-User
	Message-Authenticator = <219><161><138>d<222><139><20><185>Q<158><199><181>'<170>`<9>

Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 'Realm=DEFAULT', Identifier ''
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG:  Deleting session for wimax at wimaxtest,, 
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: 
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: 
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Query is: 'select reason from blacklist where nai='00256831312f'': 
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL looks for match with 00256831312f [wimax at wimaxtest]
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL REJECT: No such user: 00256831312f [wimax at wimaxtest]
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Query is: 'select reason from blacklist where nai='DEFAULT'': 
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: ACCEPT, No such user
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthWIMAX: AAA-WIMAX
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthWIMAX: AAA-WIMAX
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 138, 20, 1
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Response type 1
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP TTLS Challenge
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy WIMAX result: CHALLENGE, EAP TTLS Challenge
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Access challenged for 00256831312f: EAP TTLS Challenge
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 10032 ....

Packet length = 46
0b 26 00 2e 26 06 db eb 4e 09 cc fe ed 92 98 ce
73 ce a8 e5 4f 08 01 8b 00 06 15 20 50 12 c6 71
4c 46 98 0a fe bb 88 76 e4 82 36 64 cd 0c
Code:       Access-Challenge
Identifier: 38
Authentic:  &<6><219><235>N<9><204><254><237><146><152><206>s<206><168><229>
	EAP-Message = <1><139><0><6><21> 
	Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>

Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to wimax at wimaxtest
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to wimax at wimaxtest
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 10032 ....

Packet length = 266
01 27 01 0a 00 00 1d b2 00 00 5a b2 00 00 60 c2
00 00 57 5b 01 11 77 69 6d 61 78 40 77 69 6d 61
78 74 65 73 74 04 06 03 03 03 03 1f 0e 30 30 32
35 36 38 33 31 33 31 32 66 20 0a 57 41 53 4e 39
37 37 30 37 06 4d 6d 2a b5 4f 58 02 8b 00 56 15
80 00 00 00 4c 16 03 01 00 47 01 00 00 43 03 01
00 00 d8 29 65 88 85 21 e0 03 20 46 4b b8 2f 48
61 24 c4 e8 93 14 b2 36 b1 1a 9a 27 8e d3 4a 84
00 00 1c 00 2f 00 35 00 0a 00 05 00 04 00 39 00
38 00 16 00 13 00 33 00 32 00 09 00 15 00 12 01
00 1a 1a 00 00 60 b5 01 14 00 01 05 31 2e 31 02
03 02 03 03 01 05 03 01 04 03 01 1a 15 00 00 60
b5 2e 0f 00 30 30 30 30 30 32 30 33 66 31 31 30
1a 0d 00 00 60 b5 03 07 00 ff ff b9 b0 3d 06 00
00 00 1b 1a 0f 00 00 60 b5 23 09 00 01 06 00 00
00 63 06 06 00 00 00 02 50 12 4e 15 37 5e 78 a0
6e 32 9e 89 98 f0 7d b7 67 d7
Code:       Access-Request
Identifier: 39
Authentic:  <0><0><29><178><0><0>Z<178><0><0>`<194><0><0>W[
	User-Name = "wimax at wimaxtest"
	NAS-IP-Address =
	Calling-Station-Id = "00256831312f"
	NAS-Identifier = "WASN9770"
	Event-Timestamp = 1298999989
	EAP-Message = <2><139><0>V<21><128><0><0><0>L<22><3><1><0>G<1><0><0>C<3><1><0><0><216>)e<136><133>!<224><3> FK<184>/Ha$<196><232><147><20><178>6<177><26><154>'<142><211>J<132><0><0><28><0>/<0>5<0><10><0><5><0><4><0>9<0>8<0><22><0><19><0>3<0>2<0><9><0><21><0><18><1><0>
	WiMAX-Capability = <1><5>1.1<2><3><2><3><3><1><5><3><1><4><3><1>
	WiMAX-BS-ID = 00000203f110
	WiMAX-GMT-Timezone-Offset = -18000
	NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802.16
	WiMAX-PPAC = <1><6><0><0><0>c
	Service-Type = Framed-User
	Message-Authenticator = N<21>7^x<160>n2<158><137><152><240>}<183>g<215>

Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 'Realm=DEFAULT', Identifier ''
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG:  Deleting session for wimax at wimaxtest,, 
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: 
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL: 
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Query is: 'select reason from blacklist where nai='00256831312f'': 
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL looks for match with 00256831312f [wimax at wimaxtest]
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL REJECT: No such user: 00256831312f [wimax at wimaxtest]
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Query is: 'select reason from blacklist where nai='DEFAULT'': 
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy SQL result: ACCEPT, No such user
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthWIMAX: AAA-WIMAX
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthWIMAX: AAA-WIMAX
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 139, 86, 21
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Response type 21
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: EAP TTLS data, 24576, 139, -1
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: EAP TTLS SSL_accept result: -1, 2, 8576
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP TTLS Challenge
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: AuthBy WIMAX result: CHALLENGE, EAP TTLS Challenge
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Access challenged for 00256831312f: EAP TTLS Challenge
Tue Mar  1 12:19:14 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 10032 ....

Packet length = 2114
0b 27 08 42 dc 90 cc 87 d5 0e 48 c1 8e d6 ba fe
56 85 c8 a8 4f ff 01 8c 08 0a 15 c0 00 00 08 ad
16 03 01 00 4a 02 00 00 46 03 01 4d 6d 2a 92 b0
cb b6 e0 11 92 2e 76 27 3c 29 f9 e4 24 86 5e 32
37 77 8d 59 d5 67 cc 56 de fd 09 20 60 c6 99 3f
5d 3d ac a3 5c a2 f4 87 a8 cc f4 cb 38 a6 0c 6c
02 0c 9d 7b 74 48 9c 46 44 cc 66 a3 00 2f 00 16
03 01 08 50 0b 00 08 4c 00 08 49 00 03 85 30 82
03 81 30 82 02 69 a0 03 02 01 02 02 09 00 cd a9


Augusto Cabrera Duffaut.

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