[RADIATOR] Executing an external script from Radiator

Martin Burton mvb at sanger.ac.uk
Tue Jun 21 03:39:43 CDT 2011

Hi M P

I've had success using <AuthBy EXTERNAL> to allow Radiator to interface
with our homebrew network access control system.

If it helps at all our config looks like:

        <AuthBy EXTERNAL>
                Command /opt/config/authexternal
        AuthLog naclog

and /opt/config/authexternal looks like (the NAC module is our homegrown
NAC database interface):

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use lib '/var/www/nac-mgmt/cgi/lib';
use Modern::Perl;
use NAC;

my $ACCEPT = 0;
my $REJECT = 1;
my $NOREPLY = 2;

my $csi;
my $ni;
my $np;
my $maddr;
my $vlan;
my $sw;
my $setvlanattr = "Extreme-Netlogin-VLAN-Tag";
my $replymessageattr = "Reply-Message";
my $replymessage = "UNAUTHORISED MACHINE!!!!!";

# Grab the calling station id, nas identifier and nas port from the request
while(<>) {
        if (/Calling-Station-Id.+"(.+)"/) {
                $csi = uc($1);
) {
                $ni = $1;
        if (/NAS-Port-Id.+"(.+)"/) {
                $np = $1;

# Bomb out if we didn't get all of the params from the request!!!
if(!defined $csi || !defined $ni || !defined $np ) {
        exit $NOREPLY;

# Check the system to see if this MAC been seen previously
# $maddr will be undefined if it's new
# Otherwise it will be a NAC::Mac object.
$maddr = NAC::Mac->new(
                        MAC => $csi,

if (!defined $maddr) {
        # No record of the mac address, so we create one
        # $maddr will be a NAC::Mac object upon success (undef otherwise)
        $maddr = NAC::Mac->new(
                        MAC => $csi,
                        create => 1

# If we don't have a valid MAC object at this point we need to bomb out!
if (!defined $maddr) {
        exit $NOREPLY;

# Try to grab the switch object representing this switch
$sw = NAC::Switch->new(
                NASID => $ni,

# If there isn't a valid switch then we need to bomb out!
if (!defined $sw) {
        exit $NOREPLY;

# Record where we saw this MAC connect

my $res = $maddr->set_switch(
                switch => $sw,
                port   => $np

# If we failed to set the switch for some reason, then bomb out!
if (!defined $res) {
        exit $NOREPLY;

if ($maddr->is_auth) {
        # Get the vlan for this MAC;
        $vlan = $maddr->get_vlan()->get_tag();
        if (!defined $vlan) {
                exit $NOREPLY;
        say $setvlanattr . "=" . $vlan;
        exit $ACCEPT;
else {
        say "Reply-Message=\"$replymessage - $REJECT\"";
        exit $REJECT;

Hopefully that helps.



On 21/06/2011 07:34, M P wrote:
> Hello all,
> How am I going to execute an external script when Radiator receives an
> Access-Request? This script will actually do an HTTP API request from an
> external HTTP server to get the userid then once the script have it on
> the same server as where the Radiator is running, Radiator will now
> respond an Access-Accept.
> Please advice. Thank you in advance.
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Martin Burton
Senior Systems Administrator               \\\|||///
Special Projects Team                     \\  ^ ^  //
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute            (  6 6  )

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