[RADIATOR] Auth by LDAP Since Linux to Windows Server 2008

Steffen Weinreich steve at weinreich.org
Wed Jul 13 05:46:55 CDT 2011

Am 13.07.2011 03:03, schrieb Jovanny Saravia:
> I am evaluating Radiator and I am trying to authenticate since a Linux Box to LDAP in a Windows Server 2008.
> I could connect to LDAP with AuthDN and AuthPassword, but I couldn't authenticate users. 
We are using LDAP2 to auth against our Active Directory Domain. The main
problem in setting this up was to use the right LDAP service on the AD
side to get the authentication working. I ended up in using the the
Global Catalog on Port  3268 of the AD DC. The Config looks like this:

   <AuthBy LDAP2>
      Host x.x.x.x
      SSLVerify none
      Port 3268
      BaseDN dc=adname,dc=domain,dc=com
      Scope sub
      # Deref never
      AuthDN CN=LDAP
      AuthPassword xxxx
      UsernameAttr sAMAccountName

      AuthAttrDef logonHours,MS-Login-Hours,check

   </AuthBy LDAP2>

hope this helps,


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