[RADIATOR] Radiator unable to talk to database

Zaeem Arshad zaeem.arshad at gmail.com
Sun Jan 30 23:39:34 CST 2011

Hi Folks,

We are running Radiator 4.5.1 on RHEL 4.8 kernel 2.6.9-89. Radiator talks to
a backend Oracle 10G server. Recently, we ran into an issue where Radiator
just could not talk to the database and logged this message:

Sat Jan 22 04:57:16 2011: ERR: Could not connect to SQL database with
1533))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=db123))), db123, db123:
Sat Jan 22 04:57:16 2011: ERR: Could not connect to any SQL database.
Request is ignored. Backing off for 600 seconds

By the look of it, it appeared to be a connectivity/database issue. However,
the network connectivity was up and we could reach the database using Oracle
client from the same machine. We suspected the JDBC drivers and wrote a
separate java program using the same driver and environment variables and it
connected to the database just fine. During this period, Radiator kept
logging the above mentioned message. Multiple process restarts and a server
reboot did not fix the issue.

Our Radiator installation is configured to log the messages to
/var/log/radius/radiator.log rotated manually. The log file's size was
around 270MB at the time of the problem. I moved the logfile and created a
new one and restarted the Radiator process and everything started working
fine. The log file's size is currently 356MB and the server is running fine.
Is this a bug or a known issue?


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