[RADIATOR] Radiator.spec file: 4.7-3

Nick Urbanik nick.urbanik at optusnet.com.au
Thu Jan 13 18:25:23 CST 2011

Dear Radiator folks,

I'm building a Radiator RPM which we've patched to support
AddressAllocatorDHCP.pm using a DHCP failover pair.  The SPEC file
provided with the tarball is not the one used to build the RPM, but
that spec file is not provided, nor is there a source RPM provided.

Please could anyone provide the spec file for Radiator 4.7-3?

I'm re-writing the spec file to avoid hard coding Perl version numbers
and other such practices, but it would be nice to have a better
starting point.
Nick Urbanik http://nicku.org 808-71011 nick.urbanik at optusnet.com.au
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