[RADIATOR] AcctInsertQuery for Authby RADIUS

Michael ringo at vianet.ca
Sun Feb 20 00:52:40 CST 2011

your handler has a policy of:
AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileIgnore

so, when authentication comes through, your <AuthBy SQL> replies with a 
Ignore since you have:
and it continues....

But, when an accounting packet comes in, your <AuthBy SQL> replies with a ACCEPT 
since it excepted the accounting packet, and since the policy is 
ContinueWhileIgnore, it doesn't continue.

Your Policy is very important here because you use 1 handler for both 
authentication and accounting.  This is why i choose to use 2 handlers.  1 for 
each authentication, and one for accounting.

But, up to you i guess.

On Sun, 20 Feb 2011, Jeffrey Lee wrote:

> Michael, you're right... the accounting insert query executed after i included
> 		AccountingTable accounting #accounting table name
> 		AcctColumnDef invalid,invalid
> ... but i did not comment out "HandleAcctStatusTypes Start,Stop,Alive"
> but there's a problem... the accounting info does not get
> proxy-forwarded to the RADIUS server i specified how do i enable local
> RADIUS accounting logging (using SQL, which works now) and
> proxy-forward all accounting info?
> On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 3:13 PM, Michael <ringo at vianet.ca> wrote:
>> also, you should be able to use radpwtst -user jeff at abc -noauth -nostop so
>> that it only sends a start packet into your radius server just to lesson the
>> debug output and narrow things down.
>> Maybe remove the HandleAcctStatusTypes configuration since maybe it's
>> wrongly determining the accounting type.
>> As per the radiator docs:
>> "If HandleAcctStatusTypes is specified and an Accounting request has an
>> Acct-Status-Type not mentioned in HandleAcctStatusTypes, then the request
>> will be ACCEPTed but not inserted or handled with AcctSQLStatement. The
>> default is to handle all Acct-Status-Types."
>> so, if wrongly determining the type, it will ACCEPT but do nothing.  default
>> is handle all accounting, so just take out the config option for now.
>> Michael
>> On Sat, 19 Feb 2011, Jeffrey Lee wrote:
>>> here's the debug log...  i execute radpwtst -user jeff at abc -password ****
>>> Sat Feb 19 11:09:47 2011: DEBUG: Packet dump:
>>> *** Received from port 56818 ....

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