[RADIATOR] RADIATOR on Solaris CMT multithreaded

Shain Singh shain.singh at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 17:22:48 CST 2011

Hi Heikki,

Thanks for the reply.

> There have been Solaris related discussions on this list, try google
> search with:

I'd gone through the archives and while there is mention of Solaris
and multithreads besides the following post there is nothing more on
using Solaris 10 zones with the FarmSize:

I guess then my assumption was that the rest of the Solaris 10 related
conversation in the archives was not virtualised but a base OS.

>> I'm exploring the possible option of installing instances within
>> Solaris 10 zones. I may also look into a Solaris 10 branded zone
>> within Solaris 11 in the near future.
> If you decide to try how it works, please let us know of your results.

Shall do, thanks again for the comments.

Shaineel Singh
e: shain.singh at gmail.com
p: +61 422 921 951
w: http://buffet.shainsingh.com

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