[RADIATOR] Protected EAP authentication failed

Fabio Ciampi fabio.ciampi at isti.cnr.it
Mon Aug 1 07:51:48 CDT 2011

  Hello  Heikki,

> I tried a configuration based on what you have. I think what you are
> seeing is this:
> http://www.open.com.au/radiator/history.html
> Revision 4.5 (2009-10-27) New features and bug fixes
>    Fixed a problem which could result in a blank user name
>    in PEAP or TTLS or other inner requests under some very
>    unusual circumstances. Improved EAP context finding
>    algorithm so inner and outer requests with the same
>    User-Name would not collide.
> If you try with EAPAnonymous commented out, it will probably work.
In this way the PEAP authentication seems to work.

> To get the problem fixed, you should upgrade to the latest version.

Ok. I will upgrade radiator to the latest version as soon as possible.
Thank you


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