[RADIATOR] Quest vWorkspace strong authentication

Peter Havekes p.havekes at avans.nl
Tue Apr 26 13:50:55 CDT 2011


I've seen authbyotp, and i've used it to send to use an otp by sms. The
problem is quest vworkspace requires a user to enter the username,
password and otp on one website, so the otp can be sent to the user
before it needs to be enterd.

Just wondering if anyone has found a way to use auhbyotp with this quest
software. It probably requires some changes in the quest sortware;
radiator is flexible enough :-)

On 04/26/2011 08:33 PM, Heikki Vatiainen wrote:
> On 04/26/2011 04:39 PM, Peter Havekes wrote:
>> Is anyone using Quest vWorkspace and strong authentication (otp) with
>> radiator?
>> The strong-authentication Quest is supplying requires the user to enter
>> username, password and otp on the same webpage. We want to use OTP in
>> text-messages, so the otp won't be sent until the user logs in.
> I am not familiar with Quest vWorkspace, but I thought I'd check if you
> have noticed AuthBy OTP, see section 5.53 in the reference manual
> ref.pdf, and goodies/otp.cfg example.
> Thanks,
> Heikki


Peter Havekes
ICT-Ontwikkeling & AVANS-CSIRT
Avans Hogeschool
Onderwijsboulevard 215
5223 DE 's-Hertogenbosch
Telefoon    0736 295 592
Mobiel       0612917383
Fax           0736295488
email/msn p.havekes at avans.nl

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