[RADIATOR] Framed-Route maniuplation

Ian Mordey ian.mordey at griffin.com
Tue Oct 26 08:05:18 CDT 2010

Hi there

I'm trying to replicate a response from one radiator server to another
with a different SQL backend and schema. I'm struggling to get the
Framed-Route attribute formatted properly. 


Our client expects a framed route including the gateway like this:

                Framed-Route = ""


The new server sends a framed route

                Framed-Route = ""


So I need to rewrite the Framed-Route with "" followed by the
Framed-IP-Address.  This is also conditional because the Framed-Route in
the reply attributes doesn't always exist.  


The problem I'm struggling with is that the reply attributes on the SQL
backend are all in one column ReplyAttr for example:


mysql> select ReplyAttr from UserProfiles where ReplyAttr like '%Route%'
limit 1;


| ReplyAttr


| Service-Type = Framed-User, Framed-Protocol = PPP, Framed-IP-Address =, Framed-Route =  |


How can I manipulate the Framed-Route attribute when it is all in the
same column? 




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