[RADIATOR] Best Practice Question

Ryan Harden hardenrm at illinois.edu
Fri May 21 15:40:29 CDT 2010

What is the best practice when a device might match two <Client> sections?

Backbone Loopbacks:
Edge Loopbacks:
Device Blah:

I would like devices matching either /24 to run respective Handlers, but
the specific device "blah" to run a completely separate Handler. I
suppose I could do the following, but I'm not sure what the best
practice would be.

        Secret xxxxxx
        DupInterval 0
        Identifier Blah
        Secret xxxxxx
        DupInterval 0
        Identifier Backbone
        Secret xxxxxx
        DupInterval 0
        Identifier Edge

I assume the specific device "Blah" would match the first Client section
and skip over the next two. Am I correct in this assumption?

In the grand scheme of things I'm going to have several of these /32
hosts that I'll need to call out specifically while letting the rest in
the respective /24s fall to more 'default' handlers. The purpose is to
apply different AuthZ rights to users based on what device they are


Ryan M. Harden, BS, KC9IHX		Office: 217-265-5192
CITES - Network Engineering		Cell:  	217-689-1363
2130 Digital Computer Lab		Fax:    217-244-7089
1304 W. Springfield	 		email:  hardenrm at illinois.edu
Urbana, IL  61801 			

      University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign - AS38
	   University of Illinois - ICCN - AS40387

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