[RADIATOR] ERR: Attribute number 101

Adam Gerson agersonl at cgps.org
Tue Jun 29 16:38:06 CDT 2010

They sent me:

# Bluesocket vendor specific
VENDOR  BLUESOCKET              9967
ATTRIBUTE       BlueSocketRole  100     string  BLUESOCKET
ATTRIBUTE       Bluesocketap    101     string  BLUESOCK

I see from the examples VENDORATTR, should it be changed to:

# Bluesocket vendor specific
VENDOR  BLUESOCKET              9967
VENDORATTR       BlueSocketRole  100     string  BLUESOCKET
VENDORATTR       Bluesocketap    101     string  BLUESOCK

Adam Gerson
Assistant Director of Technology
Columbia Grammar and Prep School
phone. 212-749-6200 ex. 321
fax.  212-428-6806
agerson at cgps.org

On 6/25/10 4:42 PM, Hugh Irvine wrote:
> Hello Adam -
> The dictionary is the file that contains all of the RADIUS attribute definitions for the standard set plus all the vendor specifics.
> The error you show is due to a missing vendor-specific for vendor 9967 which is listed as Bluesocket.
> You should ask Bluesocket for their vendor-specific attribute definitions and add them to your dictionary.
> The Radiator dictionary is a simple text file called "dictionary" in the main distribution directory.
> In the meantime you can add the following to your dictionary to stop the error messages:
> #
> # Bluesocket
> #
> VENDOR          Bluesocket      9967
> VENDORATTR      9967    Bluesocket-101                  101     string
> You will need to restart "radiusd" to have the dictionary re-read.
> When you do find out from Bluesocket what attributes they use, please send us a copy so we can add them to the standard Radiator dictionary.
> regards
> Hugh
> On 26 Jun 2010, at 02:59, Adam Gerson wrote:
>> Bluesocket is what we use.
>> What is a radius dictionary and whats it used for? What would I do with
>> it once I got it?
>> Adam
>> --
>> Adam Gerson
>> Assistant Director of Technology
>> Columbia Grammar and Prep School
>> phone. 212-749-6200 ex. 321
>> fax.  212-428-6806
>> agerson at cgps.org
>> http://www.cgps.org
>> On 6/25/10 11:31 AM, Kurt Jaeger wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>>> I see this a lot in my logs. Is that a problem?
>>>> Fri Jun 25 00:07:45 2010: ERR: Attribute number 101 (vendor 9967) is not
>>>> defined in your dictionary
>>> What kind of device do you have ?
>>> http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers
>>> says that 9967 was assigned to
>>>   Bluesocket, Inc.
>>>      Suresh Gandhi
>>>        sgandhi at bluesocket.com
>>> Hmm, the webpage says: 802.11n virtual WLAN stuff. Is this what you
>>> use ? Can you ask them for their radius dictionary ?
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>> radiator at open.com.au
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> NB:
> Have you read the reference manual ("doc/ref.html")?
> Have you searched the mailing list archive (www.open.com.au/archives/radiator)?
> Have you had a quick look on Google (www.google.com)?
> Have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
> together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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