[RADIATOR] ERR: Attribute number 101

Kurt Jaeger radiator at c0mplx.org
Fri Jun 25 12:07:18 CDT 2010


> Bluesocket is what we use.
> What is a radius dictionary and whats it used for? What would I do with 
> it once I got it?

Radius packets are binary encodings of Type-Key-Value attribute

There are standard radius attributes and there are enterprise (vendor)
specific attributes. These attributes are 

Once Bluesocket tells you about the specific attributes they use,
you can edit the radius dictionary file of your radiator-installation,
add them, restart radiator and will no longer have those
error messages, instead the attributes will be decoded.

> >> Fri Jun 25 00:07:45 2010: ERR: Attribute number 101 (vendor 9967) is not
> >> defined in your dictionary

Hope this helps.

pi at opsec.eu            +49 171 3101372                        10 years to go !

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