[RADIATOR] Mac Startup

Adam Gerson agersonl at cgps.org
Tue Jun 22 10:12:46 CDT 2010

I am following the instructions in INSTALL.MacOSX. That startup item 
uses /usr/bin/radiusd which I believe conflicts with the default 
installation of FreeRadius on Mac Server 10.4.6.

sidekick:~ sadmin$ /Library/StartupItems/Radiator/Radiator start
Starting Radiator RADIUS server
/Library/StartupItems/Radiator/Radiator: line 15: /usr/bin/radiusd: No 
such file or directory

To get arround this during testing you had me start the process manually 

sudo perl radiusd -foreground -log_stdout -trace 4 -config_file 

How should I modify StartService to give it the right command to start 
in my environment?

StartService ()
     if [ "${RADIUS:=-NO-}" = "-YES-" ]; then
         if ! pid=$(GetPID radiusd); then
             ConsoleMessage "Starting Radiator RADIUS server"
             /usr/bin/radiusd -config_file /etc/radiator/radius.cfg \
                 -pid_file /var/run/radiusd.pid

Adam Gerson
Assistant Director of Technology
Columbia Grammar and Prep School
phone. 212-749-6200 ex. 321
fax.  212-428-6806
agerson at cgps.org

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