[RADIATOR] Mac OS X Background Start UP

Adam Gerson agersonl at cgps.org
Mon Jun 7 15:52:54 CDT 2010

Mac OS X Server 10.6 Snow Leopard now ships with FreeRadius 
pre-installed. Will this interfere with the instructions found in 
goodies/INSTALL.MacOSX for background automatic start at system start?

I have been starting the server directly with:
sudo perl radiusd -foreground -log_stdout -trace 4 -config_file 

I can run this command on startup with a launchd task, but what is the 
syntax I should use to log to a file and run in the background?


Adam Gerson
Assistant Director of Technology
Columbia Grammar and Prep School
phone. 212-749-6200 ex. 321
fax.  212-428-6806
agerson at cgps.org

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