[RADIATOR] MySQL Authentication from two possible fields

Adam Gerson agersonl at cgps.org
Mon Jun 7 11:16:53 CDT 2010

I considered something like this. However, don't I also need an 
AuthColumnDef line to tell Radiator to take the result of the query and 
match it to something?

In your proposed query if they are using their wireless card, it will 
return the wired MAC in column 0, which will not match the wireless MAC 
that was passed in against

AuthColumnDef 0, User-Name, check

Adam Gerson
Assistant Director of Technology
Columbia Grammar and Prep School
phone. 212-749-6200 ex. 321
fax.  212-428-6806
agerson at cgps.org

On 6/7/10 10:57 AM, Dominic J. Eidson wrote:
> If you want, you can make the SQL query as complex as you want, and do
> it all in one SELECT statement:
> An attempt at yours:
> AuthSelect SELECT REPLACE(mac_address,'.','') from computers where
> REPLACE(mac_address,'.','') = '%{User-Name}' OR
> REPLACE(alt_mac_address,'.','') = '%{User-Name}'
> Here is our AuthSelect:
> AuthSelect SELECT %0 AS "Password" FROM inv_node t1 WHERE t1.node_mac =
> replace(%0, ':', '') AND t1.node_wireless = 1 AND t1.node_enable = 1 AND
> now() BETWEEN t1.date_active AND t1.date_expire AND (t1.date_purged
> ISNULL OR t1.date_purged > now());
> - d.

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