Gary Knapper gary.knapper at connectionservices.com
Thu Feb 25 16:20:27 CST 2010

Thanks for the tips.  I now have a PC/SC reader. My Ubuntu is happy with 
the reader and I can use Monosim to read the SIM OK.

I now have progressed through the instructions, I ran cleared the 
triplets.dat, ran the gettriplets and it appears to have put some stuff 
in triplets.dat.

I then run the following that seems to run OK

gary at Titan:~/Radius-EAP-SIM-1.30$ sudo perl goodies/sgsasim.pl -trace 4
Thu Feb 25 22:15:12 2010: DEBUG: Listening on tcp SGSA socket for

I open up another terminal and run the following

gary at Titan:~/Radiator-Locked-4.6$ sudo perl radiusd -config_file 
This Radiator license will expire on 2011-02-01
This Radiator license will stop operating after 1000 requests
To purchase an unlimited full source version of Radiator, see
To extend your license period, contact admin at open.com.au

Perhaps I exceeded 1000 requests....although it doesn't feel like it. If 
that is the problem, any chance of an extension?

Anyway I appear to have run out of time.   Here is my mail from Joanne 
Davis on 13/02.



Hello -

Thank you for your request for evaluation of our software - see comments 

On 13/02/2010, at 12:23 AM, superForm at open.com.au wrote:

Form received Fri Feb 12 07:23:25 2010

formname: Radiator eval
companyname: Connection Services Ltd
country: UK
contactname: Gary Knapper
contactemail: gary.knapper at connectionservices.com
contactphone: 07796 177 836  or  01189 711 756

environment: Debian/Ubuntu Linux.
Ruckus ZoneFlex product range of access points and WLAN controllers.

Gary Knapper wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having a problem firing creating the triplets to test the EAP-SIM 
> module (evaluation).  I have been following the steps in 
> ~/Radius-EAP-SIM-1.30/README
> Installation:
> -------------
> To build and install:
> 1. Install Radiator 3.6 plus all patches or later.
> 2. Install the prerequisites mentioned above
> 3. Unpack the Radius-EAP-SIM distribution into a working directory
> 4. cd Radius-EAP-SIM
> 5. perl Makefile.PL
> 6. (as root) make install
> 7. Build a configuration file based on goodies/eap_sgsa.cfg (for PT
>   SGSA MAP gateway interface)  or....
> 7. Develop and configure MAP gateway interface based on
>   AuthSIMOPERATOR.pm and goodies/eap_simoperator.cfg
> I got as far as 6. OK, including the pre-requisites (I think). However 
> I don't have an eap_sgsa.cfg file.
> When I progress to 'Testing with the SGSA MAP gateway simulator' in 
> the README and reach this stage
> 2. Generate some triplets for your test GSM SIM card (use the right 
> PIN for your SIM card):
> goodies/gettriplets -pin 1234 >>goodies/triplets.dat
> I see the following...
> root at Titan:/home/gary/Radius-EAP-SIM-1.30# goodies/gettriplets -pin 
> 1234 >>goodies/triplets.dat
> Could not get readers list: Unknown (reader specific ?) error...
> Is there enough information there to tell me where I am going wrong, 
> or do you need more?
> Best regards,
> Gary

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