[RADIATOR] Radiator performance

Alex Massover alex at jajah.com
Tue Feb 2 07:49:27 CST 2010


What performance I can expect from single Radiator server?

Currently I'm getting timeout from clients with more than 20 requests per second, on local LAN, with very low CPU usage and load average, on VMware ESX, RHEL 5.

Is it OK and I should get more servers, or it supposed to handle much more? 20 requests per second doesn't sound a lot for me.

My configuration is also very simple and SOAP endpoint always answers fast, no timeouts/rejects from there.

                <Log SYSLOG>
                                Facility local2
                                Trace 5
                AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept

       <AuthBy SOAP>
#              Fork
                                Timeout 5
               Endpoint http://MSG-LB-BES-STG:80/SoapHandler.ashx
               SOAPTrace result
               SOAPTrace all

Best Regards,
Alex Massover
Jajah Inc.

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