[RADIATOR] AuthBy multiple files

Martin Burton mvb at sanger.ac.uk
Wed Dec 22 11:00:38 CST 2010

Hi Ricardo,

You need to use one of the "ContinueUntil..." AuthByPolicy statements in
your handler.


<Handler Realm=foo.bar.com>
        AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilReject
        <AuthBy RADIUS>
        <AuthBy SQL>

Hope that helps.



On 22/12/2010 16:03, Ricardo Freitas wrote:
> Hey guys
> How can I successful use two different AuthBy types?
> For instance, I would like to use AuthBy radius and AuthBy SQL.
> My main issue is if I "join" both configurations under one handler they 
> don't work and if I separate them into two different handlers, the first 
> handler is acknowledge and the second one ignore.
> How can I achieve this? Thank you very much, guys!
> Ricardo
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Martin Burton
Senior Systems Administrator               \\\|||///
Special Projects Team                     \\  ^ ^  //
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute            (  6 6  )

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