[RADIATOR] AuthBy LDAP2 failover with round-robin DNS?

Christian Kratzer ck-lists at cksoft.de
Fri Dec 17 15:29:27 CST 2010


On Fri, 17 Dec 2010, Andrew Clark wrote:

> Hi,
> one more quick question.  What is the behavior of AuthBy LDAP2 with a
> round-robin DNS entry (multiple A records for the RR)?  If I'd like
> failover behavior, will a single Host declaration with a round-robin
> record be enough, or do I need to list out each individual LDAP
> server?

you should explicitly list all servers as Dns will get resolved once
on load of config.
> Load-balancing isn't required, though I've seen Hugh's advice for how
> to do that in an email from May 14th, 2008.


Christian Kratzer                      CK Software GmbH
Email:   ck at cksoft.de                  Wildberger Weg 24/2
Phone:   +49 7032 893 997 - 0          D-71126 Gaeufelden
Fax:     +49 7032 893 997 - 9          HRB 245288, Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Web:     http://www.cksoft.de/         Geschaeftsfuehrer: Christian Kratzer

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