[RADIATOR] unpackRadiusAttrs eating useful data

Tarko Tikan tarko at estpak.ee
Mon Aug 16 11:27:08 CDT 2010


We've just hit a strange issue and wondering if we are to blame or is unpackRadiusAttrs in Radius.pm really eating useful data in vendor-specific VSAs. We are sending Cisco DHCP circuit ID in ADSL-Agent-Circuit-Id (3561.1, described in dictionary as string). This is unpacked in preauth hook like this: unpack("CCCCCC", $cid) and then used in SQL queries and there doesn't seem to be any problems with this. Until today :)

Specific example:
Sending 000405DC010A in CID works but sending 000405DC000A is turned into 000405DC0A (5th octet 00 missing). Unfortunately last 2 octets contain the most useful data, 00 being the card number and 0a the port.

I added some debugging into Radius.pm method unpackRadiusAttrs into the "else { # Other vendor-specific" part around "$value =~ s/\0+$//" like this:

&main::log($main::LOG_WARNING, "pre strip: " . join(' ', map {sprintf "%02x", $_} unpack('C16', $value)), $self);
$value =~ s/\0+$// if $atype eq 'string';
&main::log($main::LOG_WARNING, "post strip: " . join(' ', map {sprintf "%02x", $_} unpack('C16', $value)), $self);

and when sending request, following is logged:
Mon Aug 16 16:09:46 2010: WARNING: pre strip: 00 04 05 dc 00 0a
Mon Aug 16 16:09:46 2010: WARNING: post strip: 00 04 05 dc 0a

This doesn't look something that should be happening, I've also verified the "fix" by uncommenting the line and everything magically works. Anyone has idea or explanation why is this happening?

Radiator version is 4.7 (this happened with old versions aswell and there hasn't been any code change regarding this). I've also attached a radiator tracelevel 5 packet dump and wireshark radius package dump. Just to make sure, this part of the code is ran before any user hooks so I don't think we have a way to screw things up ourselves (later we actually do rewrite the attributes into more useful format and throw away the trash).

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