[RADIATOR] Radiator with Windows Server 2008 DHCP

Richard Fenner richard at idsi.co.uk
Tue Aug 3 11:34:27 CDT 2010

I am currently evaluating Radiator and have configure it to authenticate
with a Zywall USG300 on a static-IP basis.


I am now attempting to move on and integrate the system with a DHCP
server in order to allocate IP addresses to users attached to the USG300
from a pool of addresses. The DHCP server is set up on a separate server
but on the same LAN as the RADIUS server.


Having now edited the config file to add the DHCP request features, I am
getting errors saying that the DHCP server is not responding to DISCOVER
requests, however I find this very odd seeing as the DHCP server will
allocate IP addresses to PC's connected to its network.


My configuration file is as follows:




LogDir            c:/Program Files/Radiator

DbDir       c:/Program Files/Radiator


# This will log at DEBUG level: very verbose # User a lower trace level
in production systems, typically use 3

Trace             4


# You will probably want to add other Clients to suit your site, # one
for each NAS you want to work with. This will work # at least with
radpwtst running on the local machine 


<Client DEFAULT>

      Secret      ********

      DupInterval 0



<AddressAllocator DHCP>


Identifier dhcpallocator




#Local Address


#SubnetSelectionOption 118

#SubnetSelectionOption 221




 #Authenticate all realms with this


      # Look up user details in a flat file

      AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept


      <AuthBy FILE>           

            # %D is replaced by DbDir above

            Filename %D/users



      <AuthBy DYNADDRESS>


      AddressAllocator dhcpallocator





      # Log accounting to a detail file. %D is replaced by DbDir above

      AcctLogFileName   %D/detail



The log output for a request is as follows:


Tue Aug  3 17:05:44 2010: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler

Tue Aug  3 17:05:44 2010: DEBUG:  Deleting session for mikem, {IP OF
REQUEST PC HERE}, 1750 Tue Aug  3 17:05:44 2010: DEBUG: Handling with

Tue Aug  3 17:05:44 2010: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE looks for match with
mikem [mikem] Tue Aug  3 17:05:44 2010: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE ACCEPT:
: mikem [mikem] Tue Aug  3 17:05:44 2010: DEBUG: AuthBy FILE result:
ACCEPT, Tue Aug  3 17:05:44 2010: DEBUG: Handling with
Radius::AuthDYNADDRESS Tue Aug  3 17:05:44 2010: DEBUG: Sending
DHCPDISCOVER to with xid 5

Tue Aug  3 17:05:44 2010: DEBUG: AuthBy DYNADDRESS result: IGNORE, Tue
Aug  3 17:06:14 2010: INFO: AddressAllocatorDHCP: No reply from DHCP
server Tue Aug  3 17:06:14 2010: INFO: Access rejected for
mikem: No reply from DHCP server Tue Aug  3 17:06:14 2010: DEBUG: Packet

*** Sending to {IP OF REQUEST PC HERE} port 2775 ....

Code:       Access-Reject

Identifier: 141

Authentic:  <6>\<175><233>k<187><26><205>V9<9>*<158><222>/<193>


      Service-Type = Framed-User

      Framed-Protocol = PPP

      Framed-IP-Netmask =

      Framed-Routing = None

      Framed-MTU = 1500

      Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP

      Reply-Message = "Request Denied"



I hope you will be able to provide some assistance as to what is going
on here?


Thanks in advance,


Richard Fennah



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