[RADIATOR] loop avoidance with Handler and Client Identifier

Heikki Vatiainen hvn at archred.com
Fri Apr 9 10:42:52 CDT 2010

On 04/09/2010 05:57 PM, Alan Buxey wrote:

> I recall , in the past, seeing a resource  either in email or on the web
> that used a method of NAS-Identifier to stop a Handler sending authentications
> back to a realm from whence they ame - ie avoid authentication loops.

I think this might be it:

<Handler NAS-Identifier=/^(?!nasid)/>

Also Client-Identifier can be used here instead of NAS-Identifier. That
is use something like:
  Identifier clientid

And the use Client-Identifier=/^(?!clientid)/ with the Handler.

> can anyone prod my memory or even verride that resource with their best practice?

See Radiator's ref-4.6.pdf Section 13.1.36 and search ?! for an example.
Also eduroam cookbook has an example, you can find it below. Search for
?! or see section


Heikki Vatiainen, Arch Red Oy
+358 44 087 6547

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