[RADIATOR] High Availability with MySql

Fuat Demir (Garanti Teknoloji) FuatD at garanti.com.tr
Tue Sep 8 09:57:14 CDT 2009

I want to use, one database server and two radiator which points the same database server. i think i can do it while installing radmin.  i should set a remote mysql server for both servers. Right ?

From: --shashi-- [mailto:shashi at callforeign.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 5:16 PM
To: Fuat Demir (Garanti Teknoloji)
Cc: radiator at open.com.au
Subject: Re: [RADIATOR] High Availability with MySql


There is no extra configuration required. Just point the second instance of radius also to the same database server.

Not sure if I  understand your requirement fully though ..



Shashi Dahal

Technical Director

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CallForeign - Connecting your world!


Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 7:11:45 PM, you wrote:


When dynamic address asignment is concerned in radius, backup of radius does not work efficiently until resetting all ip assignments on the remote site to avoid duplicate ip address assignment on radius.

For this reason i want to ask that if there is a confiuration of two radius servers work in same mysql db (an external db), or both radius server use their own db, but database is syncronized from one to the other in short period of time.

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Best regards,

 --shashi--                            mailto:shashi at callforeign.com
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