[RADIATOR] multiple AuthBy GROUPs

Matt mnaismith at gmail.com
Sun Oct 11 07:25:39 CDT 2009


In a previous post, i've seen the below suggested to make use of
AddToRequest as "place holders".
It would appear that although the request works its way through all GROUPs,
only the first AddToRequest gets applied. So in a  PostAuthHook for example,
regardless of which GROUP authenticates the user, I only ever see the value
of AuthBy1 in the first GROUP.
Am I missing something here ?

Thanks in advance.. Matt.

<Handler ....>
	AuthByPolicy .....
	<AuthBy GROUP>
		<AuthBy LDAP2>
		AddToRequest AuthBy1 = LDAP2
	<AuthBy GROUP>
		<AuthBy SQL>
		AddToRequest AuthBy2 = SQL
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