[RADIATOR] Acct-Gigawords Hook (from the goodies dir)

Paul Lattimer paul.lattimer at fred.com.au
Sun Jun 14 18:02:52 CDT 2009

Hello List,


I recently plugged the acctgigawords-hook.pl code in to my radiator and had gigawords turned ON in our Cisco LNS.

I expanded the field in our mysql database to accept the larger datasize.


I'm seeing weird (possibly binary) data in the debug log and no multiplication of gigaword counter * 4G + IN|OUT octet being placed in the database.


Here is what I am seeing in the debug log..


--------------------------8-< ------------snip

Mon Jun 15 08:52:44 2009: DEBUG: Acct-Input-Gigawords attribute present,Counter overflowed.

Mon Jun 15 08:52:44 2009: DEBUG: Acct-Input-Gigawords=,Acct-Input-Octets =J� Mon Jun 15 08:52:44 2009: DEBUG: Calculated and replaced Acct-Input-Octets=0 Mon Jun 15 08:52:44 2009: DEBUG: Acct-Output-Gigawords attribute present,Counter overflowed.

Mon Jun 15 08:52:44 2009: DEBUG: Acct-Output-Gigawords=,Acct-Output-Octets=Ú½5

Mon Jun 15 08:52:44 2009: DEBUG: Calculated and replaced Acct-Output-Octets = 0 Mon Jun 15 08:52:44 2009: DEBUG: Packet dump:

*** Received from port 1646 ....



Any ideas?





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