[RADIATOR] PEAP/EAP MSCHAPV2 with WPA configuration

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Thu Jul 9 05:01:00 CDT 2009

Hello Khurram -

As mentioned previously, Radiator 3.2 is very old and you will need to  
upgrade to Radiator 4.4 (plus patches).



On 9 Jul 2009, at 19:55, Khurram Masood wrote:

> Hugh thanks for prompt response, I had already used the following code
> with my version but result is the same.
> # This will authenticate users from SUBSCRIBERS
> <Handler TunnelledByPEAP=1>
>       <AuthBy FILE>
>               Filename %D/users
>               # This tells the PEAP client what types of inner EAP  
> requests
>               # we will honour
>               EAPType PEAP,TTLS,TLS,MSCHAP-V2,MD5,MD5-Challenge
>       </AuthBy>
> </Handler>
> <Handler>
>       <AuthBy FILE>
>               Filename /home/oracle/Radiator-3.12/wifi_users
>               EAPType PEAP,TTLS,TLS,MSCHAP-V2,MD5,MD5-Challenge
>               EAPTLS_CAFile
> /home/oracle/Radiator-3.12/certificates/demoCA/cacert.pem
>               EAPTLS_CAPath
>               EAPTLS_CertificateFile
> /home/oracle/Radiator-3.12/certificates/cert-srv.pem
>               EAPTLS_CertificateType PEM
>               EAPTLS_PrivateKeyFile
> /home/oracle/Radiator-3.12/certificates/cert-srv.pem
>               EAPTLS_PrivateKeyPassword whatever
>               AutoMPPEKeys
>               EAPTLS_PEAPVersion 0
>       </AuthBy>
> </Handler>
> On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Hugh Irvine<hugh at open.com.au> wrote:
>> Hello Khurram -
>> I strongly recommend you upgrade to Radiator 4.4 (plus the latest  
>> patches).
>> more below ...
>> On 9 Jul 2009, at 15:58, Khurram Masood wrote:
>>> Hello Hugh
>>> Thanks for your reply, the answers to your questions are;
>>> -Radiator version 3.2
>>> -Hp GL5 380 server
>>> -Perl 5.8.5
>> Thanks for the information.
>>> -Should we use handlers instead of wifi realm because using other
>>> realms is our requirment for other user?
>> You should do something like this:
>> .....
>> # This will authenticate users from SUBSCRIBERS
>> <Handler TunnelledByPEAP=1>
>>        <AuthBy FILE>
>>                Filename %D/users
>>                # This tells the PEAP client what types of inner EAP  
>> requests
>>                # we will honour
>>                EAPType PEAP,TTLS,TLS,MSCHAP-V2,MD5,MD5-Challenge
>>        </AuthBy>
>> </Handler>
>> <Handler Realm = WIFI>
>>        <AuthBy FILE>
>>                Filename /home/oracle/Radiator-3.12/wifi_users
>>                EAPType PEAP,TTLS,TLS,MSCHAP-V2,MD5,MD5-Challenge
>>                EAPTLS_CAFile
>> /home/oracle/Radiator-3.12/certificates/demoCA/cacert.pem
>>                EAPTLS_CAPath
>>                EAPTLS_CertificateFile
>> /home/oracle/Radiator-3.12/certificates/cert-srv.pem
>>                EAPTLS_CertificateType PEM
>>                EAPTLS_PrivateKeyFile
>> /home/oracle/Radiator-3.12/certificates/cert-srv.pem
>>                EAPTLS_PrivateKeyPassword whatever
>>                AutoMPPEKeys
>>                EAPTLS_PEAPVersion 0
>>        </AuthBy>
>> </Handler>
>> <Handler>
>>        AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
>>        PasswordLogFileName %L/password_log
>>        MaxSessions 1
>>    <AuthBy SQL>
>>        # Adjust DBSource, DBUsername, DBAuth to suit your DB
>>        DBSource        dbi:Oracle:orcl
>>        DBUsername      abc
>>        DBAuth          xyz
>>        AuthSelect  select  password from subaccounts where ((active=1
>> or (active=0
>> and freeaccess=1)) and login=concat('%n',
>> 'l') and nas=substr('%N',1,3) and locked=0) or (active=1 and
>> login=concat('%n','d')
>> and nas =substr('%N',1,3) and locked=0)
>>        # You may want to tailor these for your ACCOUNTING table
>>        # You can add your own columns to store whatever you like
>>        AccountingTable CALLS
>>        DateFormat %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
>>        AcctSQLStatement insert into
>> calls 
>> (calldate 
>> ,username 
>> ,acctsessionid,acctsessiontime,acctterminatecause,nasidentifier,f
>> ramedaddress,callstationid) values(to_date('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M: 
>> %S','yyyy-mm-dd
>> hh24:mi:ss'),'%{User-Name}','%{Acct-Session-Id}',%
>> {Acct-Session-Time},'%{Acct-Terminate-Cause}','%N','%{Framed-IP- 
>> Address}','%{Calling-Station-Id}')
>> #       AcctSQLStatement insert into
>> calls 
>> (calldate 
>> ,username 
>> ,acctstatustype,acctsessionid,acctsessiontime,nasidentifier,naspo
>> rt) values(to_date('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S','yyyy-mm-dd
>> hh24:mi:ss'),'%{User-Name}','%{Acct-Status-Type}','%{Acct-Session- 
>> Id}',%{A
>> cct-Session-Time},'%N',%{NAS-Port})
>>        AccountingStopsOnly
>>        AddToReply Service-Type = Framed-User, \
>>        Framed-Protocol = PPP, \
>>        Framed-IP-Netmask =, \
>>        Framed-Routing = None, \
>>        Acct-Terminate-Cause = %{Reply:Acct-Terminate-Cause}, \
>>        Framed-MTU = 1500, \
>>        Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP, \
>> #       Idle-Timeout = 600 As on 4th Nov 2006 disabled on instruction
>> of MI by Faisl
>> Qadri
>>    </AuthBy>
>> </Handler>
>> .....
>>> -Would it make a significant difference if we don't update our
>>> dictionary because at this point of time we are not willing to?
>> Yes - the missing attributes (and many others) are in the latest  
>> version.
>>> - Are you talking of the shared secret in the following clause  
>>> because
>>> its the same at the access point?
>>> <Client>
>>>      Secret  abc
>>>      DupInterval 4
>>> </Client>
>> Yes.
>> regards
>> Hugh
>>> On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Hugh Irvine<hugh at open.com.au> wrote:
>>>> Hello Khurram -
>>>> Can you please tell me what version of Radiator you are running?  
>>>> (The
>>>> most
>>>> recent is Radiator 4.4 plus patches).
>>>> Can you also please tell me what hardware/software plafrom you are
>>>> running
>>>> on and what version of Perl etc.?
>>>> I can see at least 3 problems:
>>>> The first is your configuration file which mixes Realms and  
>>>> Handlers -
>>>> you
>>>> should use Handlers only (see the examples in "goodies/eap_*.cfg").
>>>> The second is the dictionary you are using which does not appear  
>>>> to be
>>>> the
>>>> most recent one which contains these attributes:
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:13 2009: WARNING: Bad EAP Message-Authenticator
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:13 2009: WARNING: Bad authenticator in request  
>>>>> from
>>>>> (
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:14 2009: ERR: Attribute number 35 (vendor 311)  
>>>>> is not
>>>>> defined in
>>>>> your dictionary
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:14 2009: ERR: Attribute number 34 (vendor 311)  
>>>>> is not
>>>>> defined in
>>>>> your dictionary
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:14 2009: DEBUG: Packet dump:
>>>> And third - "Bad authenticator ....." usually indicates an  
>>>> incorrect
>>>> shared
>>>> secret.
>>>> hope that helps
>>>> regards
>>>> Hugh
>>>> On 7 Jul 2009, at 19:33, Khurram Masood wrote:
>>>>> Hello Hugh
>>>>> I am having a problem configuring the radiator for securing my  
>>>>> WiFi
>>>>> network. Following are the necessary details
>>>>> Access point security protocol: WPA with AES
>>>>> Client                : XP SP3 with PEAP/EAP MSCHAP-V2
>>>>> Other Info          : Using DHCP for the clients although the AP  
>>>>> has
>>>>> static IP addresse.
>>>>> Problem            : Unable to authenticate the user.
>>>>> Config file:
>>>>> # Example Radiator configuration file that allows you to
>>>>> # authenticate from an SQL database.
>>>>> # With Radiator you can interface with almost any databse schema,
>>>>> # and there are many more configurable parameters that allow you
>>>>> # to control database fallback, select statements, column names
>>>>> # and arrangements etc etc etc.
>>>>> # See the reference manual for more details.
>>>>> # This is a very simple exmaple to get you started. It will
>>>>> # work with the tables created by the goodies/*.sql scripts.
>>>>> #
>>>>> # You should consider this file to be a starting point only
>>>>> # $Id: sql.cfg,v 1.4 2000/03/21 01:25:16 mikem Exp $
>>>>> Foreground
>>>>> LogStdout
>>>>> LogDir          .
>>>>> DbDir           .
>>>>> Trace 4
>>>>> AuthPort 1645
>>>>> AcctPort 1646
>>>>> # You will probably want to change this to suit your site.
>>>>> <Client>
>>>>>       Secret  abc
>>>>>       DupInterval 4
>>>>> </Client>
>>>>> <Client DEFAULT>
>>>>>       Secret  xyz
>>>>>       DupInterval 4
>>>>> </Client>
>>>>> # You can put client details in a database table
>>>>> # and get their details from there with something like this:
>>>>> # This will authenticate users from SUBSCRIBERS
>>>>> <Handler TunnelledByPEAP=1>
>>>>>       <AuthBy FILE>
>>>>>               Filename %D/users
>>>>>               # This tells the PEAP client what types of inner EAP
>>>>> requests
>>>>>               # we will honour
>>>>>               EAPType PEAP,TTLS,TLS,MSCHAP-V2,MD5,MD5-Challenge
>>>>>       </AuthBy>
>>>>> </Handler>
>>>>> <Realm WIFI>
>>>>>       <AuthBy FILE>
>>>>>               Filename /home/oracle/Radiator-3.12/wifi_users
>>>>>               EAPType PEAP,TTLS,TLS,MSCHAP-V2,MD5,MD5-Challenge
>>>>>               EAPTLS_CAFile
>>>>> /home/oracle/Radiator-3.12/certificates/demoCA/cacert.pem
>>>>>               EAPTLS_CAPath
>>>>>               EAPTLS_CertificateFile
>>>>> /home/oracle/Radiator-3.12/certificates/cert-srv.pem
>>>>>               EAPTLS_CertificateType PEM
>>>>>               EAPTLS_PrivateKeyFile
>>>>> /home/oracle/Radiator-3.12/certificates/cert-srv.pem
>>>>>               EAPTLS_PrivateKeyPassword whatever
>>>>>               AutoMPPEKeys
>>>>>               EAPTLS_PEAPVersion 0
>>>>>       </AuthBy>
>>>>> </Realm>
>>>>> <Realm DEFAULT>
>>>>>       AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
>>>>>       PasswordLogFileName %L/password_log
>>>>>       MaxSessions 1
>>>>>   <AuthBy SQL>
>>>>>       # Adjust DBSource, DBUsername, DBAuth to suit your DB
>>>>>       DBSource        dbi:Oracle:orcl
>>>>>       DBUsername      abc
>>>>>       DBAuth          xyz
>>>>>       AuthSelect  select  password from subaccounts where  
>>>>> ((active=1
>>>>> or (active=0
>>>>> and freeaccess=1)) and login=concat('%n',
>>>>> 'l') and nas=substr('%N',1,3) and locked=0) or (active=1 and
>>>>> login=concat('%n','d')
>>>>> and nas =substr('%N',1,3) and locked=0)
>>>>>       # You may want to tailor these for your ACCOUNTING table
>>>>>       # You can add your own columns to store whatever you like
>>>>>       AccountingTable CALLS
>>>>>       DateFormat %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
>>>>>       AcctSQLStatement insert into
>>>>> calls 
>>>>> (calldate 
>>>>> ,username 
>>>>> ,acctsessionid,acctsessiontime,acctterminatecause,nasidentifier,f
>>>>> ramedaddress,callstationid) values(to_date('%Y-%m-%d
>>>>> %H:%M:%S','yyyy-mm-dd
>>>>> hh24:mi:ss'),'%{User-Name}','%{Acct-Session-Id}',%
>>>>> {Acct-Session-Time},'%{Acct-Terminate-Cause}','%N','%{Framed-IP- 
>>>>> Address}','%{Calling-Station-Id}')
>>>>> #       AcctSQLStatement insert into
>>>>> calls 
>>>>> (calldate 
>>>>> ,username 
>>>>> ,acctstatustype,acctsessionid,acctsessiontime,nasidentifier,naspo
>>>>> rt) values(to_date('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S','yyyy-mm-dd
>>>>> hh24:mi:ss'),'%{User-Name}','%{Acct-Status-Type}','%{Acct- 
>>>>> Session-Id}',%{A
>>>>> cct-Session-Time},'%N',%{NAS-Port})
>>>>>       AccountingStopsOnly
>>>>>       AddToReply Service-Type = Framed-User, \
>>>>>       Framed-Protocol = PPP, \
>>>>>       Framed-IP-Netmask =, \
>>>>>       Framed-Routing = None, \
>>>>>       Acct-Terminate-Cause = %{Reply:Acct-Terminate-Cause}, \
>>>>>       Framed-MTU = 1500, \
>>>>>       Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP, \
>>>>> #       Idle-Timeout = 600 As on 4th Nov 2006 disabled on  
>>>>> instruction
>>>>> of MI by Faisl
>>>>> Qadri
>>>>>   </AuthBy>
>>>>> </Realm>
>>>>> <SessionDatabase SQL>
>>>>>       DBSource        dbi:Oracle:orcl
>>>>>       DBUsername      abc
>>>>>       DBAuth          xyz
>>>>>       AddQuery        update serverports set
>>>>> username='%n',acctstatustype='%{Acct-Status- 
>>>>> Type}',framedaddress='%{Framed-IP-
>>>>> Address}',callstationid='%{Calling-Station- 
>>>>> Id}',calldate=to_date('%Y-%m-%d
>>>>> %H:%M:%S','yyyy-mm-dd HH24:MI:SS') where port=%{NA
>>>>> S-Port} and substr(ipaddress,1,2)=substr('%N',1,2)
>>>>>       DeleteQuery  update serverports set acctstatustype='Stop'  
>>>>> where
>>>>> port=%{NAS-Port} and substr(ipaddress,1,2)=substr('%N
>>>>> ',1,2)
>>>>>               ClearNasQuery update serverports set  
>>>>> acctstatustype='Stop'
>>>>> where
>>>>> substr(ipaddress,1,2)=substr('%N',1,2)
>>>>> </SessionDatabase SQL>
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Level 4 Debug trace:
>>>>> *** Received from port 1027 ....
>>>>> Code:       Access-Request
>>>>> Identifier: 0
>>>>> Authentic:  t<222>l<137>U<156>Gj<17>}<7><170>\<152><7>k
>>>>> Attributes:
>>>>>      Message-Authenticator = <2><139>? 
>>>>> <241><10><176><178>Q:`<160>";r,$
>>>>>      Service-Type = Framed-User
>>>>>      User-Name = "mfqadri at WIFI"
>>>>>      Framed-MTU = 1488
>>>>>      Called-Station-Id = "00-1E-58-A9-E7-3D:dlink"
>>>>>      Calling-Station-Id = "00-18-F8-2E-5B-B3"
>>>>>      NAS-Identifier = "D-Link Access Point"
>>>>>      NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
>>>>>      Connect-Info = "CONNECT 54Mbps 802.11g"
>>>>>      EAP-Message = <2><0><0><17><1>mfqadri at WIFI
>>>>>      NAS-IP-Address =
>>>>>      NAS-Port = 1
>>>>>      NAS-Port-Id = "STA port # 1"
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler
>>>>> 'Realm=WIFI'
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG:  Deleting session for  
>>>>> mfqadri at WIFI,
>>>>>, 1
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: do query is: 'update  
>>>>> serverports set
>>>>> acctstatustype='Stop' where port=1 and substr(ipaddress
>>>>> ,1,2)=substr('',1,2)':
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE:
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 0, 17
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: Response type 1
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP PEAP Challenge
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: AuthBy FILE result: CHALLENGE,  
>>>>> EAP
>>>>> PEAP Challenge
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: Access challenged for  
>>>>> mfqadri at WIFI:
>>>>> EAP PEAP Challenge
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: Packet dump:
>>>>> *** Sending to port 1027 ....
>>>>> Code:       Access-Challenge
>>>>> Identifier: 0
>>>>> Authentic:  t<222>l<137>U<156>Gj<17>}<7><170>\<152><7>k
>>>>> Attributes:
>>>>>      EAP-Message = <1><1><0><6><25>
>>>>>      Message-Authenticator =
>>>>> <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: Packet dump:
>>>>> *** Received from port 1027 ....
>>>>> Code:       Access-Request
>>>>> Identifier: 1
>>>>> Authentic:  <24>$E<6><21><190>v<143>f<173>(FYC<0>@
>>>>> Attributes:
>>>>>      Message-Authenticator =
>>>>> <195><23><144>t<230><162><149><247><209><213>VZ<225>p"<150>
>>>>>      Service-Type = Framed-User
>>>>>      User-Name = "mfqadri at WIFI"
>>>>>      Framed-MTU = 1488
>>>>>      Called-Station-Id = "00-1E-58-A9-E7-3D:dlink"
>>>>>      Calling-Station-Id = "00-18-F8-2E-5B-B3"
>>>>>      NAS-Identifier = "D-Link Access Point"
>>>>>      NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
>>>>>      Connect-Info = "CONNECT 54Mbps 802.11g"
>>>>>      EAP-Message =
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> P 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 25 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 128 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> F 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 22 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 3 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 1><0>A<1><0><0>=<3><1>JQ<207><214>2<240><204><224><133>i<193><132>
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 176 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 26 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 198 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 23 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> h 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 251 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> B 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 23 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 191 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 3 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> ;W 
>>>>> ]< 
>>>>> 160 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 162 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 154 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 232 
>>>>> ><187>*<154><0><0><22><0><4><0><5><0><10><0><9><0>d<0>b<0><3><0><6
>>>>>> <0><19><0><18><0>c<1><0>
>>>>>      NAS-IP-Address =
>>>>>      NAS-Port = 1
>>>>>      NAS-Port-Id = "STA port # 1"
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler
>>>>> 'Realm=WIFI'
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG:  Deleting session for  
>>>>> mfqadri at WIFI,
>>>>>, 1
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: do query is: 'update  
>>>>> serverports set
>>>>> acctstatustype='Stop' where port=1 and substr(ipaddress
>>>>> ,1,2)=substr('',1,2)':
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE:
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 1, 80
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: Response type 25
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: EAP TLS SSL_accept result: -1,  
>>>>> 2, 8576
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP PEAP Challenge
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: AuthBy FILE result: CHALLENGE,  
>>>>> EAP
>>>>> PEAP Challenge
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: Access challenged for  
>>>>> mfqadri at WIFI:
>>>>> EAP PEAP Challenge
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:10 2009: DEBUG: Packet dump:
>>>>> *** Sending to port 1027 ....
>>>>> Code:       Access-Challenge
>>>>> Identifier: 1
>>>>> Authentic:  <24>$E<6><21><190>v<143>f<173>(FYC<0>@
>>>>> Attributes:
>>>>>      EAP-Message =
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 5 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 218 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 25 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 192 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 8 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> P 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 22 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> <3><1><0>J<2><0><0>F<3><1>JQ<221>6<223>5C<192><254><128><222><250>
>>>>> p<223>B<230><246><143>j8z<177><226>v<20><241><2><198><219><196>/ 
>>>>> <144>
>>>>> <156><27>#<9><215>Qq<131>0q<182><196>(<23><147><159>3<2
>>>>> 11 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 178 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 178 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 159 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> U 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 158 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 251 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 142 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 154 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 27 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 212 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> A 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 144 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 139 
>>>>> ><0><4><0><22><3><1><7><27><11><0><7><23><0><7><20><0><2><209>0<
>>>>> 130 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 205 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 130 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 6 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 160 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 3 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 13 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 6 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 9 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> *<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><4><5><0>0<129><202>1<11>0<9><6><3>U<4>
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 6 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 19 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> AU1 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 17 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 15 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 6 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 3 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> U 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 4 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 8 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 19 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 8 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> Victoria1 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 18 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 16 
>>>>> ><6><3>U<4><7><19><9>Melbourne1<30>0<28><6><3>U<4><10><19><21>OSC
>>>>> Demo Certificates1!0<31><6><3>U<4><11><19><24>Test Certificate Sec
>>>>>      EAP-Message = tion1/0-<6><3>U<4><3><19>&OSC Test CA (do not  
>>>>> use in
>>>>> production)1 0<30><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><9
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 1 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 22 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 17 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> mikem 
>>>>>> @open 
>>>>>> .com 
>>>>>> .au0 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 30 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 23 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 13 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> 040316080209Z 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 23 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 13>060316080209Z0u1<11>0<9><6><3>U<4><6><19><2>AU1<17>0<15><6><3>
>>>>> U 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 4 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 8 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 19 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 8 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> Victoria1 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 18 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 16><6><3>U<4><7><19><9>Melbourne1<24>0<22><6><3>U<4><10><19><15>My
>>>>> Test
>>>>> Company1 
>>>>> %0 
>>>>> #< 
>>>>> 6 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 3 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> U 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 4 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 3 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 19 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 28 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> test 
>>>>> .server 
>>>>> .some.company.com0<129><159>0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1>
>>>>>      EAP-Message =
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 5 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 3><129><141><0>0<129><137><2><129><129><0><216>4<7><6><214><234>/ 
>>>>> <241>.9<209><250>\y<1><149>[
>>>>> <215><24>e<133><15><223>d<176><132>Z<222>#<234><12> 
>>>>> %< 
>>>>> 133 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> aF 
>>>>> <28><20><24><218><160><197><239><237><136><222><218><138><6><19><2
>>>>> 47>}*3B<155><24>TE<18><240><194><220><164><183>9<192><176>/ 
>>>>> <16>HI<220><169>vN<215>)<31><207><24><157><230>G<186>)<246>J<195><
>>>>> 171 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 154 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 249 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 220 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> v 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 17 
>>>>> ><159><2>x<29><136><148>:b<170><254><4><207><183><144><210><251> 
>>>>> +<233><135>0<212>Y<207><158>N<226><136
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 12 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 132 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 143 
>>>>>> ><250><182><218>W<2><3><1><0><1><163><23>0<21>0<19><6><3>U<29> 
>>>>>> %<4><12>0<10><6><8>+<6><1><5><5><7><3><1>0<13><6>
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 9 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> *< 
>>>>> 134 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> H 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 134 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 247 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 13 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 4><5><0><3><129><129><0>n<23><196><159>c<165><188>>q<129>X<13>=l? 
>>>>> <174><155><170><162><189><20>
>>>>> <25>az<19>o<202><250>|B8N<209><225><253>? 
>>>>> hv<170><193><235><2>b<16><201>}<250>,<181>q<154> 
>>>>> %<182><29><179>p<211><248>oba<
>>>>>      EAP-Message =
>>>>> JP<13>p<12> 
>>>>> + 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 154 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 199 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 16 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 208 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 138 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> <21><141>'wrX<214>NUW<231><173><25>w<215><13><152><154>T<218><8><2
>>>>> 46><202>.<177>9s*<220><219>n"Gu<188><254><206>U? 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 214 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> )< 
>>>>> 181 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> I2^<157><225><174><232>2e<185>k<131><0><4>=0<130><4>90<130><3><162
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 160 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 3 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 2 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 1 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 2 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 2 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 1 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 0 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> 0 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 13 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 6 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 9 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> *< 
>>>>>> 134 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> H 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 134 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 247 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 13 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 1><1><4><5><0>0<129><202>1<11>0<9><6><3>U<4><6><19><2>AU1<17>0<15
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 6 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 3 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> U 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 4 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 8 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 19 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 8 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> Victoria1 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 18 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> 0 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 16 
>>>>>> ><6><3>U<4><7><19><9>Melbourne1<30>0<28><6><3>U<4><10><19><21>OSC
>>>>> Demo Certificates1!0<
>>>>> 31><6><3>U<4><11><19><24>Test Certificate
>>>>> Section1/0-<6><3>U<4><3><19>&OSC Test CA
>>>>> (do not
>>>>>      EAP-Message = use in production)1
>>>>> 0<30><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><9><1><22><17>mikem at open.com.au0 
>>>>> <30><23><13>0403
>>>>> 16080125Z 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 23 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 13 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 060316080125Z0 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 129 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 202 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 11 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 9 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 6 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 3 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> U 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 4 
>>>>> ><6><19><2>AU1<17>0<15><6><3>U<4><8><19><8>Victoria1<18>0<16><6><3
>>>>>> U<4><7><19><9>Melbourne1<30>0<28><6><3>U<4><10><19><21>OSC Demo
>>>>> Certificates1!0<31><6><3>U<4><11><19><24>Test Certificate Se
>>>>> ction1/0-<6><3>U<4><3><19>&OSC Test CA (do not use in productio
>>>>>      EAP-Message = n)1
>>>>> 0<30><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><9><1><22><17>mikem at open.com.au0 
>>>>> <129><159>0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 247 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 13 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 1 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 1><1><5><0><3><129><141><0>0<129><137><2><129><129><0><204><181> 
>>>>>> %Q<192>7g0<140><153>0xg<240><152><248><199><214
>>>>>> <253>W<7><220>|fd<163><137> 
>>>>>> %F 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 216 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 220 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 148 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 230 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 6 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 18 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> ie 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 144>'<244>P<8>DxJ<138>n<203>k8<164><239><179>H<237>K<182>mo<155><
>>>>> 145 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 138 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 143 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 136 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 127 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 230 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 9 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> l 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 172 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 210 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 205 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 136 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 162 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> <29>)1<4><206><11>g<163><226>i@<206>o<210>,<185><173><234><3>^4<22
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 252 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 168 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> H 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 178 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 158 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 25 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 235 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 152 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 250 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> g 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 199 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 172 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 250 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> uSr 
>>>>> <156><205>P<150>O<197><240>=a<255>_<209><12><163><0>U<2><3><1><0
>>>>>> <1><163><130><1> 
>>>>>> + 
>>>>>> 0 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 130 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 1 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> '0 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 29 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 6 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 3 
>>>>>> >U<29><14><4><22><4><20><23><2><196>#<233><210>F0D<173>f]r<193>H?
>>>>>      Message-Authenticator =
>>>>> <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:13 2009: DEBUG: Packet dump:
>>>>> *** Received from port 1027 ....
>>>>> Code:       UNDEF
>>>>> Identifier: 63
>>>>> Authentic:  <24>$E<6><21><190>v<143>f<173>(FYC<0>@
>>>>> Attributes:
>>>>>      EAP-Message =
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 5 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 218 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 25 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 192 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 8 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> P 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 22 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> <3><1><0>J<2><0><0>F<3><1>JQ<221>6<223>5C<192><254><128><222><250>
>>>>> p<223>B<230><246><143>j8z<177><226>v<20><241><2><198><219><196>/ 
>>>>> <144>
>>>>> <156><27>#<9><215>Qq<131>0q<182><196>(<23><147><159>3<2
>>>>> 11 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 178 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 178 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 159 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> U 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 158 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 251 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 142 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 154 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 27 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 212 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> A 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 144 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 139 
>>>>> ><0><4><0><22><3><1><7><27><11><0><7><23><0><7><20><0><2><209>0<
>>>>> 130 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 205 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 130 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 6 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 160 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 3 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 13 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 6 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 9 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> *<134>H<134><247><13><1><1><4><5><0>0<129><202>1<11>0<9><6><3>U<4>
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 6 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 19 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> AU1 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 17 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 15 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 6 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 3 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> U 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 4 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 8 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 19 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 8 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> Victoria1 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 18 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 16 
>>>>> ><6><3>U<4><7><19><9>Melbourne1<30>0<28><6><3>U<4><10><19><21>OSC
>>>>> Demo Certificates1!0<31><6><3>U<4><11><19><24>Test Certificate Sec
>>>>>      EAP-Message = tion1/0-<6><3>U<4><3><19>&OSC Test CA (do not  
>>>>> use in
>>>>> production)1 0<30><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><9
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 1 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 22 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 17 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> mikem 
>>>>>> @open 
>>>>>> .com 
>>>>>> .au0 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 30 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 23 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 13 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> 040316080209Z 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 23 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 13>060316080209Z0u1<11>0<9><6><3>U<4><6><19><2>AU1<17>0<15><6><3>
>>>>> U 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 4 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 8 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 19 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 8 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> Victoria1 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 18 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 16><6><3>U<4><7><19><9>Melbourne1<24>0<22><6><3>U<4><10><19><15>My
>>>>> Test Company1%0#<6><3>U<4><3>
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 19 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 28 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> test 
>>>>> .server 
>>>>> .some.company.com0<129><159>0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><1>
>>>>>      EAP-Message =
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 5 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 3><129><141><0>0<129><137><2><129><129><0><216>4<7><6><214><234>/ 
>>>>> <241>.9<209><250>\y<1><149>[
>>>>> <215><24>e<133><15><223>d<176><132>Z<222>#<234><12> 
>>>>> %< 
>>>>> 133 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> aF 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 28 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 20 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 24 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 218 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 160 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 197 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 239 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 237 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 136 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 222 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 218 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 138 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 6 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> <19><247>}*3B<155><24>TE<18><240><194><220><164><183>9<192><176>/ 
>>>>> <16>HI<220><169>vN<215>)<31><207><24><157><230>G<186>)<246>J<195><
>>>>> 171 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 154 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 249 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 220 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> v 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 17 
>>>>> ><159><2>x<29><136><148>:b<170><254><4><207><183><144><210><251> 
>>>>> +<233><135>0<212>Y<207><158>N<226><136
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 12 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 132 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 143 
>>>>>> ><250><182><218>W<2><3><1><0><1><163><23>0<21>0<19><6><3>U<29> 
>>>>>> %<4><12>0<10><6><8>+<6><1><5><5><7><3><1>0<13><6>
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 9 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> *< 
>>>>> 134 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> H 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 134 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 247 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 13 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 4><5><0><3><129><129><0>n<23><196><159>c<165><188>>q<129>X<13>=l? 
>>>>> <174><155><170><162><189><20>
>>>>> <25>az<19>o<202><250>|B8N<209><225><253>? 
>>>>> hv<170><193><235><2>b<16><201>}<250>,<181>q<154> 
>>>>> %<182><29><179>p<211><248>oba<
>>>>>      EAP-Message =
>>>>> JP<13>p<12> 
>>>>> + 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 154 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 199 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 16 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 208 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 138 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> <21><141>'wrX<214>NUW<231><173><25>w<215><13><152><154>T<218><8><2
>>>>> 46><202>.<177>9s*<220><219>n"Gu<188><254><206>U? 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 214 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> )< 
>>>>> 181 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> I2^<157><225><174><232>2e<185>k<131><0><4>=0<130><4>90<130><3><162
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 160 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 3 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 2 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 1 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 2 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 2 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 1 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 0 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> 0 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 13 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 6 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 9 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> *< 
>>>>>> 134 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> H 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 134 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 247 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 13 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 1><1><4><5><0>0<129><202>1<11>0<9><6><3>U<4><6><19><2>AU1<17>0<15
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 6 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 3 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> U 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 4 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 8 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 19 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 8 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> Victoria1 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 18 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> 0 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 16 
>>>>>> ><6><3>U<4><7><19><9>Melbourne1<30>0<28><6><3>U<4><10><19><21>OSC
>>>>> Demo Certificates1!0<
>>>>> 31><6><3>U<4><11><19><24>Test Certificate
>>>>> Section1/0-<6><3>U<4><3><19>&OSC Test CA
>>>>> (do not
>>>>>      EAP-Message = use in production)1
>>>>> 0<30><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><9><1><22><17>mikem at open.com.au0 
>>>>> <30><23><13>0403
>>>>> 16080125Z 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 23 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 13 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 060316080125Z0 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 129 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 202 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 11 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> 0 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 9 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 6 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 3 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> U 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 4 
>>>>> ><6><19><2>AU1<17>0<15><6><3>U<4><8><19><8>Victoria1<18>0<16><6><3
>>>>>> U<4><7><19><9>Melbourne1<30>0<28><6><3>U<4><10><19><21>OSC Demo
>>>>> Certificates1!0<31><6><3>U<4><11><19><24>Test Certificate Se
>>>>> ction1/0-<6><3>U<4><3><19>&OSC Test CA (do not use in productio
>>>>>      EAP-Message = n)1
>>>>> 0<30><6><9>*<134>H<134><247><13><1><9><1><22><17>mikem at open.com.au0 
>>>>> <129><159>0<13><6><9>*<134>H<134
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 247 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 13 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 1 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 1><1><5><0><3><129><141><0>0<129><137><2><129><129><0><204><181> 
>>>>>> %Q<192>7g0<140><153>0xg<240><152><248><199><214
>>>>>> <253>W<7><220>|fd<163><137> 
>>>>>> %F 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 216 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 220 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 148 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 230 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 6 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 18 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> ie 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 144>'<244>P<8>DxJ<138>n<203>k8<164><239><179>H<237>K<182>mo<155><
>>>>> 145 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 138 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 143 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 136 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 127 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 230 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 9 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> l 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 172 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 210 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 205 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 136 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 162 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> <29>)1<4><206><11>g<163><226>i@<206>o<210>,<185><173><234><3>^4<22
>>>>> 1 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 252 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 168 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> H 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 178 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 158 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 25 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 235 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 152 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 250 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> g 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 199 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 172 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> 250 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> uSr 
>>>>> <156><205>P<150>O<197><240>=a<255>_<209><12><163><0>U<2><3><1><0
>>>>>> <1><163><130><1> 
>>>>>> + 
>>>>>> 0 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 130 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 1 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> '0 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 29 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 6 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> 3 
>>>>>> >U<29><14><4><22><4><20><23><2><196>#<233><210>F0D<173>f]r<193>H?
>>>>>      Message-Authenticator =
>>>>> <6>9<27><229><183><152>S<159><249><248><229>~1<253><136><135>
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:13 2009: WARNING: Bad EAP Message-Authenticator
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:13 2009: WARNING: Bad authenticator in request  
>>>>> from
>>>>> (
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:14 2009: ERR: Attribute number 35 (vendor 311)  
>>>>> is not
>>>>> defined in
>>>>> your dictionary
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:14 2009: ERR: Attribute number 34 (vendor 311)  
>>>>> is not
>>>>> defined in
>>>>> your dictionary
>>>>> Mon Jul  6 16:17:14 2009: DEBUG: Packet dump:
>>>>> Looking forward for your reply.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Khurram Masood
>>>>> khurram.groups at gmail.com
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> radiator mailing list
>>>>> radiator at open.com.au
>>>>> http://www.open.com.au/mailman/listinfo/radiator
>>>> NB:
>>>> Have you read the reference manual ("doc/ref.html")?
>>>> Have you searched the mailing list archive
>>>> (www.open.com.au/archives/radiator)?
>>>> Have you had a quick look on Google (www.google.com)?
>>>> Have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
>>>> together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?
>>>> Have you checked the RadiusExpert wiki:
>>>> http://www.open.com.au/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
>>>> --
>>>> Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS  
>>>> server
>>>> anywhere. Available on *NIX, *BSD, Windows, MacOS X.
>>>> Includes support for reliable RADIUS transport (RadSec),
>>>> and DIAMETER translation agent.
>>>> -
>>>> Nets: internetwork inventory and management - graphical,  
>>>> extensible,
>>>> flexible with hardware, software, platform and database  
>>>> independence.
>>>> -
>>>> CATool: Private Certificate Authority for Unix and Unix-like  
>>>> systems.
>> NB:
>> Have you read the reference manual ("doc/ref.html")?
>> Have you searched the mailing list archive
>> (www.open.com.au/archives/radiator)?
>> Have you had a quick look on Google (www.google.com)?
>> Have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
>> together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?
>> Have you checked the RadiusExpert wiki:
>> http://www.open.com.au/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
>> --
>> Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
>> anywhere. Available on *NIX, *BSD, Windows, MacOS X.
>> Includes support for reliable RADIUS transport (RadSec),
>> and DIAMETER translation agent.
>> -
>> Nets: internetwork inventory and management - graphical, extensible,
>> flexible with hardware, software, platform and database independence.
>> -
>> CATool: Private Certificate Authority for Unix and Unix-like systems.


Have you read the reference manual ("doc/ref.html")?
Have you searched the mailing list archive (www.open.com.au/archives/radiator)?
Have you had a quick look on Google (www.google.com)?
Have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?
Have you checked the RadiusExpert wiki:

Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
anywhere. Available on *NIX, *BSD, Windows, MacOS X.
Includes support for reliable RADIUS transport (RadSec),
and DIAMETER translation agent.
Nets: internetwork inventory and management - graphical, extensible,
flexible with hardware, software, platform and database independence.
CATool: Private Certificate Authority for Unix and Unix-like systems.

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