[RADIATOR] Windows installation instructions

Colin Byelong c.byelong at ucl.ac.uk
Wed Jul 8 02:35:04 CDT 2009


I am installing radiator on a windows platform, I have installed it on a 
linux box in the past.
Looking at the installation instructions it mentions that I would need 
digest-MD4 for MS-CHAP authentication, I presume that MD5, OpenSSL, 
Net_SSLeay, HMAC, and SHA1 are needed as well if I want to use EAP TTLS 
and PEAP ?  or are they bundled into the package ?




Colin Byelong                             Email: C.Byelong at ucl.ac.uk
Senior Network Development Officer
Network Group
Information Systems Division
University College London
Gower Street                              Phone: 020 7679-2572
London WC1E 6BT

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