[RADIATOR] Novell Access Manager ans <AuthBy OTP>

Peter Havekes p.havekes at avans.nl
Wed Feb 11 08:41:09 CST 2009

Hello All,

Is anyone using Novell Access Manager in combination with Radiator's <AuthBy OTP>?

I want my users to enter an onetime password after the normal login. Using radpwtest it works fine, but I can't get it to work om Novell Access Manager.
The problem obviously is my Novell Access Manager configuration, so please respond to me directly, because the answer won't be interesting for the rest of this list :-)



Peter Havekes
ICT-Ontwikkeling & AVANS-CSIRT
Avans Hogeschool
Onderwijsboulevard 215
5223 DE 's-Hertogenbosch
Telefoon    0736 295 592
Mobiel       0612917383
Fax           0736295488
email/msn p.havekes at avans.nl

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