[RADIATOR] Radiator config for Alvarion WiMAX?

Louis Twomey louis.twomey at heanet.ie
Thu Dec 10 07:32:07 CST 2009

I am trying to get a new install of Radiator v4.5.1 to authenticate Alvarion
WiMAX kit. My radius.cfg is almost identical to goodies/wimax.cfg but with some
minor localised settings. Testing with goodies/wimaxtest is successful, but
testing from the WiMAX kit (using TTLS+MSCHAPv2, with the same username and
password that work with wimaxtest) seems to fail before the SSL tunnel is
successfully established during authentication.

I have verified that the WiMAX kit is happy with the default dummy/test
certificate that I am using, by testing authentication against "AuthBy FILE" -
in that scenario I can see the SSL tunnel being established and the internal
identity being extracted and successfully verified.

Has anyone successfully used goodies/wimax.cfg with Alvarion WiMAX kit, or does
the Alvarion kit require alternative/additional settings? Radiator is new to me
so perhaps I am missing something obvious.

I have attached a copy of my radius.cfg and a trace 4 debug of a failed
session. Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

Louis Twomey.
HEAnet Limited                               louis.twomey at heanet.ie
5 George's Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1              Tel: +353-1-6609040
Web: http://www.heanet.ie                    Fax: +353-1-6603666
Registered in Ireland, no 275301             PGP key: C77D9256

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