[RADIATOR] Too much DB queries with SessionDatabase

Jan Tomasek jan at tomasek.cz
Tue Apr 14 08:14:50 CDT 2009


I'm setting up a Radiator server which should allow only one login per 
user. It is working, but Radiator execute delete query per each 
access-request. It does something like:

Tue Apr 14 14:33:17 2009: DEBUG: do query is: 'DELETE FROM RadOnline 
WHERE NASIdentifier="" AND 
lower(UserName)=lower("semik at tomasek.cz") AND AcctSession

I'm worried about load this can put on SQL server. How should I 
configure Radiator to execute delete query only for stop accounting 

Trace4 log file and configuration I'm using is attached.

Thank you for help.

Jan Tomasek aka Semik
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