[RADIATOR] Too much DB queries with SessionDatabase

Jan Tomasek jan at tomasek.cz
Wed Apr 15 02:39:28 CDT 2009

Hi Hugh
> I think I would put the session checking in the Inner Handler(s) rather 
> than the outer Handler.

But in Inner Handler are user identity, AcctSessionID, ... unknown:

> Wed Apr 15 09:34:12 2009: DEBUG: do query is: 'DELETE FROM RadOnline WHERE NASIdentifier="" AND lower(UserName)=lower("anonymous") AND AcctSessionID="NULL"': 
> Wed Apr 15 09:34:12 2009: DEBUG: Query is: 'select NASIdentifier, NASPort, AcctSessionID, FramedIPAddress from RadOnline where lower(UserName)=lower("anonymous")': 

> Otherwise, instead of using the standard session database you could use 
> an AuthBy SQL clause in the outer Handler, but I would prefer my first 
> suggestion.

Thanks for tip. goodies/blocktime.txt seams to be interesting
alternative. I'll try to adapt this to my needs.

Jan Tomasek aka Semik

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