[RADIATOR] BUG in ServerTACACSPLUS.pm - not processing client related attributes

Ranko Zivojnovic Ranko.Zivojnovic at spidernet.com
Sun Apr 5 09:54:06 CDT 2009


Radiator is not processing attributes associated with the client in ServerTACACSPLUS.pm (like AddToRequest and similar) due to the following bug:

--- a/Radius/ServerTACACSPLUS.pm   2009-03-10 23:59:01.000000000 +0200
+++ b/Radius/ServerTACACSPLUS.pm   2009-04-05 17:23:15.000000000 +0300
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@

     # Use Client settings to manipulate Request/Reply
-    my $client = &Radius::Client::findAddress($self->{peeraddr});
+    my $client = &Radius::Client::findAddress(Radius::Util::inet_pton($self->{peeraddr}));

         if defined $client->{RewriteUsername};

Best regards,


Ranko Zivojnovic
IT Director/CTO

SpiderNet Services Public Ltd.
Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel:    +357 22 844844
FAX:    +357 22 844777
E-Mail: ranko at spidernet.net
Web:    www.spidernet.net

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