[RADIATOR] Alive and Stop packet in billing

Wallner Martin Martin.Wallner at etel.at
Thu Sep 4 04:35:17 CDT 2008

Hi Alex,

Alive and Stop are 'snapshots' of the current counter value in the router, for a complete session you should only consider one STOP record. (on a sidenote: You have also to watch for 'AcctInputGwords' and 'AcctOutputGwords', which are only generated - by the device - when the 32-bit-counter of the router overflows and starts with 0 again. The Gwords are counting the number of overflows either input or output counters had done)

In your case I would say that the Alive Record was generated shortly before your customer quitted the connection (or it dropped) and then there were only some bits output by the device, got no answer (which pushed up the Outputoctets a bit more)... It looks like your setup had troubles at the time, because you got sent the same STOP-record thrice... (means normally that Radiator sent the 'ack' for the incoming request, but the router didn't hear it, so he resends the same packet with an increased 'AcctDelayTime' - which means that your billing server has to remove these doubles....)


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: radiator-bounces at open.com.au [mailto:radiator-bounces at open.com.au] Im Auftrag von Alex Nderitu
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 04. September 2008 10:40
An: radiator at open.com.au
Betreff: [RADIATOR] Alive and Stop packet in billing

Dear All,
I have entries in my ACCOUNTING table with repeated entries as follows. Does this affect billing, if billing is done by summing up ACCTINPUTOCTETS and ACCTOUTPUTOCTETS subtracted from specific TOTALOCTETS_ALLOC.

mysql> select 
mysql> TS from ACCOUNTING where USERNAME='xxxxx';

| xxxxx     | 1214577905 | Alive          |         3802682 |         11626314 | 
| xxxxx     | 1214578440 | Stop           |         3802682 |         11627030 | 
| xxxxx     | 1214578440 | Stop           |         3802682 |         11627030 | 
| xxxxx     | 1214578440 | Stop           |         3802682 |         11627030 | 

Does the Alive packet also affect billing since it has the same ACCTINPUTOCTETS as the Stop packet? 

Am currently running Radiator 4.2 and mysql  Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.45.

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