[RADIATOR] Replying to a Change-Filter-Request request

Matthew Watson matthew.watson at staff.netspace.net.au
Fri Oct 17 00:48:41 CDT 2008


  I'm trying to use radiator as a test radius server while developing  
CoA capabilities,

  I want to be able to send radiator a 'Change-Filter-Request'  
request, and just have it accept it, however it looks like its not  
sending any reply for some reason,

what I have in the config is this

<Handler Request-Type = Change-Filter-Request>
             <AuthBy INTERNAL>
                    DefaultResult ACCEPT

In the log file I have..

Fri Oct 17 16:46:23 2008: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 64162 ....
Code:       Change-Filter-Request
Identifier: 48
Authentic:  !<4>]?<206>0ZKs<184><234><202>k<142><21><212>
         Acct-Session-Id = "004271CA"
         cisco-avpair = "ip:sub-qos-policy-out=(ACL=153-SPEED=48000) 

Fri Oct 17 16:46:23 2008: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler  
'Request-Type = Change-Filter-Request'
Fri Oct 17 16:46:23 2008: DEBUG: Handling with AuthINTERNAL:

 From the client, the request just times out, I assume its because  
AuthBy INTERNAL doesn't know how to send the Change Filters Ack
  and Change Filters Nak ?

  Is there any way to make radiator handle this?


Matthew Watson.

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