[RADIATOR] IPv6 issue

Peter Havekes p.havekes at avans.nl
Tue Oct 7 03:29:51 CDT 2008


I've been puzzling with this to. I've worked around it by specifting the adresses, eg:

BindAddress 10.x.x.x,,ipv6:2001:y:y:y::y

This works fine for me.


Peter Havekes
Avans Hogeschool
Onderwijsboulevard 215
5223 DE 's-Hertogenbosch
Telefoon    0736 295 592
Mobiel       0612917383
Fax           0736295488
email/msn p.havekes at avans.nl

- Have you got anything without Spam in it?
- Well, there's Spam egg sausage and Spam, that's not got much Spam in it.

>>> On 7-10-2008 at 10:00 A, Pedro Pinheiro <vapi at ci.uc.pt> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm having some troubles activating IPv6 in Radiator 3.15 and 4.3.1 
> (both patched).
> When I activate the binding using:
> BindAddress,ipv6:::
> I get the message that it isn't possible to open the port 1812 in IPv6 
> because it is already open in IPv4.
> When I use
> BindAddress    ipv6:::
> Radiator claims that all my IPv4 clients are unknown and are ignored.
> What should be the correct configuration? In my server I have 2 IPv4 
> addresses and 1 IPv6.
> Best regards,
> Pedro Vapi

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