[RADIATOR] IPv6 issue

Pedro Pinheiro vapi at ci.uc.pt
Tue Oct 7 03:00:09 CDT 2008

Hi all,

I'm having some troubles activating IPv6 in Radiator 3.15 and 4.3.1 
(both patched).
When I activate the binding using:


I get the message that it isn't possible to open the port 1812 in IPv6 
because it is already open in IPv4.

When I use

BindAddress    ipv6:::

Radiator claims that all my IPv4 clients are unknown and are ignored.

What should be the correct configuration? In my server I have 2 IPv4 
addresses and 1 IPv6.

Best regards,
Pedro Vapi

Pedro (Vapi) Pinheiro
Universidade de Coimbra
Centro de Informa'tica
R. Arco da Traicao, Ap. 3080
3001-401 COIMBRA
tel: +351 239 853 170
fax: +351 239 853 189
MSN: pvapi at hotmail.com
Skype ID: pedrovapi
WEB: http://staff.uc.pt/vapi/

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