(RADIATOR) Radiator Crashes on Monitor quit command

Ernst Oudhof e.oudhof at mailfrom.nl
Tue Mar 4 04:24:01 CST 2008


I think I found a bug in radiator 4 which causes the server to crash
when given the quit command in a monitor session...

The debug log:

eoudhof at binky:~$ radiusd -config_file monitor.cfg
Tue Mar  4 11:13:39 2008: DEBUG: Creating StreamServer tcp port
Tue Mar  4 11:13:39 2008: DEBUG: Finished reading configuration file
Tue Mar  4 11:13:39 2008: DEBUG: Reading dictionary file './dictionary'
Tue Mar  4 11:13:39 2008: DEBUG: Creating authentication port
Tue Mar  4 11:13:39 2008: DEBUG: Creating accounting port
Tue Mar  4 11:13:39 2008: NOTICE: Server started: Radiator 4.1 on binky
Tue Mar  4 11:13:51 2008: DEBUG: New StreamServer Connection created for
Tue Mar  4 11:13:51 2008: DEBUG: New MonitorConnection created for
Tue Mar  4 11:13:53 2008: DEBUG: Monitor received command: quit
Can't locate object method "disconnect" via package
at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Radius/Monitor.pm line 341.
eoudhof at binky:~$ 

in 3.17 the following sub is in Monitor.pm this seems to be missing in

sub disconnect
    my ($self) = @_;

    # Deleting any references to this MonitorConnection will
    # cause it to be destroyed    
        (fileno($self->{socket}), 1, 1, 1);
    $self->{parent}->log($main::LOG_DEBUG,  "MonitorConnection
disconnected from $self->{peeraddr}:$self->{peerport}");



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