No subject
Tue Jun 24 01:27:12 CDT 2008
1º We have configured the authby clause to connect to the LDAP repository; the clause:
<AuthBy GROUP>
Identifier ldap_i2p
AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileIgnore
<AuthBy LDAP2>
Port 389
AuthDN cn=i2p_ldap_write_root, dc=jazzlab, dc=com
AuthPassword i2p_ldap_write_pwd
BaseDN dc=jazzlab, dc=com
UsernameAttr login
PasswordAttr password
AuthAttrDef sh-srv-profile,Shasta-Service-Profile,reply
FailureBackoffTime 30
Version 3
Debug 255
<AuthBy LDAP2>
Port 389
AuthDN cn=i2p_ldap_write_root, dc=jazzlab, dc=com
AuthPassword i2p_ldap_write_pwd
BaseDN dc=jazzlab, dc=com
UsernameAttr login
PasswordAttr password
AuthAttrDef sh-srv-profile,Shasta-Service-Profile,reply
FailureBackoffTime 30
Version 3
2º We launch a test with this command:
radpwtst -trace 4 -s -secret radius-2G-local -user teldat2 at adsl2g.cli1vpn01@i2p -password teldat2 -auth_port 1812 -noacct -nas_ip_address
3º We see this on the Trace 4 log archive:
*** Received from port 32807 ....
Code: Access-Request
Identifier: 253
Authentic: 1234567890123456
User-Name = "teldat2 at adsl2g.cli1vpn01@i2p"
Service-Type = Framed-User
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = ""
NAS-Port = 1234
Called-Station-Id = "123456789"
Calling-Station-Id = "987654321"
NAS-Port-Type = Async
User-Password = <140>_<8><130><162><174><20>HU<24>C. <137><169><132>
Mon Jul 16 14:38:13 2007 705184: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 'Realm=/^adsl2g\.[a-z][a-z][a-z]\wvpn\d\d/i, User-Realm=/i2p$/i'
Mon Jul 16 14:38:13 2007 705624: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to teldat2 at adsl2g.cli1vpn01
Mon Jul 16 14:38:13 2007 705993: DEBUG: Deleting session for teldat2 at adsl2g.cli1vpn01@i2p,, 1234
Mon Jul 16 14:38:13 2007 706239: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthGROUP: ldap_i2p
Mon Jul 16 14:38:13 2007 706498: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLDAP2:
Mon Jul 16 14:38:13 2007 706834: INFO: Connecting to
Mon Jul 16 14:38:13 2007 711031: INFO: Attempting to bind to LDAP server
Mon Jul 16 14:38:13 2007 892214: DEBUG: LDAP got result for login=teldat2 at adsl2g.cli1vpn01,realmId=adsl2g,o=cli1vpn01,dc=jazzlab,dc=com
Mon Jul 16 14:38:13 2007 892538: DEBUG: LDAP got password: teldat2
Mon Jul 16 14:38:13 2007 892765: DEBUG: LDAP got sh-srv-profile: Modalidad-2G-2M/640
Mon Jul 16 14:38:13 2007 893058: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 looks for match with teldat2 at adsl2g.cli1vpn01 [teldat2 at adsl2g.cli1vpn01@i2p]
Mon Jul 16 14:38:13 2007 893814: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 REJECT: Bad Password: teldat2 at adsl2g.cli1vpn01 [teldat2 at adsl2g.cli1vpn01@i2p]
Mon Jul 16 14:38:13 2007 894065: DEBUG: AuthBy GROUP result: REJECT, Bad Password
Mon Jul 16 14:38:13 2007 894414: INFO: Access rejected for teldat2 at adsl2g.cli1vpn01: Bad Password
Mon Jul 16 14:38:13 2007 895562: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 32807 ....
Code: Access-Reject
Identifier: 253
Authentic: 1234567890123456
Tunnel-Server-Endpoint = 1:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
Reply-Message = "Request Denied"
Tunnel-Type = 1:L2TP
Tunnel-Client-Auth-ID = 1:I2PADSL2G
Tunnel-Server-Auth-ID = 1:LNS-I2PADSL2G
Tunnel-Password = "<1><184>0<19><198>"pE<168><19><230><154><165><247>Ek<255><177><11>"
[root at RAD0MA11 radiator]#
4º On the password file we are seen this:
Mon Jul 16 14:18:49 2007:1184588329:fprc1868:`ÃX{Y¶Ëé JŽøôÃ:acc05006:FAIL
Anybody can imagine what is happening?
Thanks to all.
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