No subject

Tue Jun 24 01:20:08 CDT 2008


 This optional parameter allows you to specifiy how the results of the 
address allocation are to be placed in the reply. If the yiaddr attribute 
(usually Framed-IP-ADdress) is already set in the reply, then AuthBy 
DYNADDRESS will not allocate an addresss, and will just ACCEPT the request. 
This means that if a user record has a fixed IP address in it, then AuthBy 
DYNADDRESS will not allocate an address for that user.

To say any more, I will need to see the complete configuration file, and the 
relevant SQL database records.



On Fri, 31 May 2002 04:31, Leon Oosterwijk wrote:
> Hugh,Mike,
> We  switched to using the Radiator's Address Allocator routines. I recently
> discovered what I perceive to be a bug in the mapResult function. I noticed
> that our NAS was getting sporadic occurances of users getting an address
> assigned from our backup pool. This pool is only on the NAS in case the
> Address Allocation Radiator provides fails. When doing research I noticed
> that Radiator does not properly strip out existing Framed-Ip-Address
> attributes when adding it's allocated address to a packet. Concider the
> following:
> Radiator 3.0
> User: leonppp
> Reply Items:
> Service-Type Framed-User
> Framed-Protocol PPP
> Framed-IP-Address
> Framed-IP-Netmask
> Framed-Compression Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP
> Framed-MTU   1500
> Ascend-Idle-Limit   1200
> Ascend-PPP-Address
> Ascend-Maximum-Channels    1
> Ascend-Maximum-Call-Duration  180
> Relevant portion of config:
> <AuthBy GROUP>
>         Identifier IsdnAuth
>         AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
>         <AuthBy SQL>
>                 # Adjust DBSource, DBUsername, DBAuth to suit your DB
>                 DBSource        dbi:secret:secret
>                 DBUsername      secret
>                 DBAuth          secret
>                 # The SQL SELECT statement to fetch the right data from the
> Mysql DB
>                 AuthSelect select PASSWORD, CHECKATTR, REPLYATTR from
>                 AuthColumnDef 0, User-Password, check
>                 AuthColumnDef 1, GENERIC, check
>                 AuthColumnDef 2, GENERIC, reply
>                 AddToReply      Ascend-Shared-Profile-Enable =
> Shared-Profile-Yes
>                 AddToReplyIfNotExist Service-Type = Framed, Framed-Protocol
> = PPP,  Pool = 3
>         </AuthBy>
>         <AuthBy GROUP>
>                 AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways
>                 AuthBy IsdnAcctAuth
>                 AuthBy DynAuth
>                 StripFromReply Pool
>         </AuthBy>
> </AuthBy>
> RadpwTst:
> [root at host raddb]# radpwtst -user leonppp -password secret  -noacct -trace
> sending Access-Request...
> Packet dump:
> *** Sending to port 1645 ....
> Code:       Access-Request
> Identifier: 153
> Authentic:  1234567890123456
> Attributes:
>         User-Name = "leonppp"
>         Service-Type = Framed-User
>         NAS-IP-Address =
>         NAS-Port = 1234
>         Called-Station-Id = "123456789"
>         Calling-Station-Id = "987654321"
>         NAS-Port-Type = Async
>         User-Password =
> "<154><227>6<206><196>9j<129><213>Vn<211><216>}x<153>"
> Packet dump:
> *** Received from port 1645 ....
> Code:       Access-Accept
> Identifier: 153
> Authentic:  <173>2<182><179><27><142><245>:<225>5><135><183>N<250>|
> Attributes:
>         Framed-IP-Address =
>         Service-Type = Framed
>         Framed-Protocol = PPP
>         Framed-IP-Netmask =
>         Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP
>         Framed-MTU = 1500
>         Ascend-Idle-Limit = 1200
>         Ascend-PPP-Address =
>         Ascend-Maximum-Channels = 1
>         Ascend-Maximum-Call-Duration = 180
>         Ascend-Shared-Profile-Enable = Shared-Profile-Yes
>         Framed-IP-Netmask =
>         Framed-IP-Address =
> OK
> Notice that there are two Framed-IP-Address entries in this packet. Not
> good. Apparently our NAS almost always picks the last one, but sometimes
> (hence the sporadic use of the backup pool on our unit) the first one.
> Now. If I make the following change to the
> #####################################################################
> # Take an allocation result, and map it into redius reply
> # attributes
> sub mapResult
> {
>     my ($self, $result, $p) = @_;
>     # Now go through the list of allocation results that
>     # we have to map into radius reply attribtues
>     my $name;
>     foreach $name (sort keys %{$self->{MapAttribute}})
>     {
>         # If there is a definition for this result,
>         # and the corresponding radius reply attribute
>         # is not already set in the reply, and we
>         # actually have a value for it, then set it
>         my $value;
>         if ($self->{MapAttribute}{$name} ne ''
>             && $$result{$name} ne ''
>             && ! $p->get_attr($name))
>         {
> #           $p->add_attr($self->{MapAttribute}{$name}, $$result{$name});
> # Changed by Leon May 2002 to use Change. Change will change existing
> # Attribute, or if not exist, add a new one.
>             $p->change_attr($self->{MapAttribute}{$name}, $$result{$name});
>         }
>     }
> }
> And restart radiator:
> [root at host raddb]# radpwtst -user leonppp -password secret  -noacct -trace
> sending Access-Request...
> Packet dump:
> *** Sending to port 1645 ....
> Code:       Access-Request
> Identifier: 163
> Authentic:  1234567890123456
> Attributes:
>         User-Name = "leonppp"
>         Service-Type = Framed-User
>         NAS-IP-Address =
>         NAS-Port = 1234
>         Called-Station-Id = "123456789"
>         Calling-Station-Id = "987654321"
>         NAS-Port-Type = Async
>         User-Password =
> "<154><227>6<206><196>9j<129><213>Vn<211><216>}x<153>"
> Packet dump:
> *** Received from port 1645 ....
> Code:       Access-Accept
> Identifier: 163
> Authentic:  <188><175>D<214><183>k<216><20>^<158>A<147><198><5><226><17>
> Attributes:
>         Framed-IP-Address =
>         Service-Type = Framed
>         Framed-Protocol = PPP
>         Framed-IP-Netmask =
>         Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP
>         Framed-MTU = 1500
>         Ascend-Idle-Limit = 1200
>         Ascend-PPP-Address =
>         Ascend-Maximum-Channels = 1
>         Ascend-Maximum-Call-Duration = 180
>         Ascend-Shared-Profile-Enable = Shared-Profile-Yes
> OK
> As you can see there is now no more duplication.
> I am not sure whether the change I made merely suppresses the symptoms or
> if it would be a good fix. One thing I should mention is another change we
> made to the
> #####################################################################
> # Handle a request
> # This function is called for each packet. $p points to a Radius::
> # packet
> # REVISIT:should we fork before handling. There might be long timeouts?
> sub handle_request
> {
>     my ($self, $p, $dummy, $extra_checks) = @_;
>     my $type = ref($self);
>     $self->log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "Handling with $type", $p);
>     my $user_name = $p->getUserName;
>     if ($p->code eq 'Access-Request')
>     {
>         # REVISIT: first confirm that there is no
>         # address present yet in the reply. yiaddr gives the
>         # name of the radius attribute where the allocated address
>         # would be put if we got that far.
>        return ($main::ACCEPT) # Do nothing
>         # ALTERTED BY LEON 2002 to only ACCEPT if ip Addres is NEW DYN
>             if $p->{rp}->get_attr($self->{MapAttribute}{yiaddr}) ne
> "" &&
>                 $p->{rp}->get_attr($self->{MapAttribute}{yiaddr}) ne "";
> Etc..
> This change makes sure our statically assigned customer will not get an ip
> address assigned.
> Please let me know whether I'm doing something wrong, or if this is really
> undesired behaviour.
> Sincerely,
> Leon Oosterwijk
> (615) 221-4200
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Riza Kamalie [mailto:riza at]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 3:06 AM
> To: radiator at
> Subject: (RADIATOR) Radiator 3.0 - load testing
> Hi,
> We have just upgraded to radiator 3.0 on a SPARC IIi system using AuthBY
> LDAP (which works fine) and
> started writing accounting both locally and to a oracleDB hosted to a
> seperate server, the problem that
> we have encounted it that the performance has decreased some what when
> writing to an DB and in turn
> causes backlog to the nasses, due to outstanding accounting requests, my
> question how do you guys
> test load issues against your server re: the performance and tuning table
> in the radiator 3 manual?
> The way we have do it was using radpwtst -acct_port -noacct to a config
> script on port x which wrote accounting
> to our database. Using the RADAR real time graph we could see the total
> accounting requests it handled was
> done poorly by the DB
>   SQL->Oracle (10000 users)13****
> Any input would be appreciated!
> Thanks
> Riza Kamalie
> Systems Administrator
> Engineering
> Worldonline
> A Division of Tiscali (Pty) Ltd
> +27 (21) 940 9702
> +27(0) 82 992 2027
> riza at
> If you want your dreams to come true, don't oversleep.
> ===
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