[RADIATOR] testing with Huawei -- Bad Password

David Yeung David.Yeung at unwiredaustralia.com.au
Thu Jul 31 01:16:14 CDT 2008


            I am testing radiator with Huawei equipment.

At the moment , I am not passing the first base.

I had a Bad password problem.  Radiaus log as follow :-

Thu Jul 31 16:01:55 2008: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE:
Thu Jul 31 16:01:55 2008: DEBUG: Reading users file /etc/radiator/users
Thu Jul 31 16:01:55 2008: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE looks for match with huawei at test.com [huawei at test.com]
Thu Jul 31 16:01:55 2008: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE REJECT: Bad Password: huawei at test.com [huawei at test.com]
Thu Jul 31 16:01:55 2008: DEBUG: AuthBy FILE result: REJECT, Bad Password
Thu Jul 31 16:01:55 2008: INFO: Access rejected for huawei at test.com: Bad Password

I had put the user file with nothing but just below

huawei at test.com User-Password == abc

I had used tried   "huawei at test.com" User-Password == "abc"

And no joy.

Can you shed some light on what I can do?

Also  in radius.cfg

I had

<AuthLog FILE>
    Identifier unwired_authlog

    # this logs the date, the username at realm, the NAS-IP-Address and the word FAIL
    # delimited with :, to the authlog
    FailureFormat %l:%n:FAIL
    Filename %L/authlog.log
#    LogSuccess 0
# For debug we log success
    LogSuccess 1
    LogFailure 1

But I cound not find the /var/log/radius/authlog.log

(I could see the /var/log/radius/radius-2008-07-31.log)


I had a very similar config in another  box running the older version of radiator (3.3)  and  I could see the  authlog.log

Please help.

David Yeung.

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