[RADIATOR] Radwho.pl page failed to open: specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. on Windows2003/IIS

scottshaw at 163.com scottshaw at 163.com
Thu Jul 10 03:46:01 CDT 2008

I am trying the radwho feature to manage the sessions, but got the error to open this page. The environment is:
windows 2003 server, IIS web server, Radiator 4.2, Radmin 1.10,ActivePerl-, MS SQL 2003 enterprise version. All configured well and works. Radmin works with MS SQL too. I follow the ref instruction to copy the radwho.pl into c:\inetpub\scripts\radmin\priviate\ director ,same as listusers.pl as those pages work well.I configured IIS to ask for access control to this directory which works well too.But when I try to launch the radwho.pl page with IE7, it give me the error below. I tried to copied a few lines from listusers.pl into this file and it still doesn't work. The lines are:

# -*- mode: Perl -*-
# radwho.pl
# CGI script to show current sessions
# Author: Mike
# Copyright (C) 1997 Open System Consultants
# $Id: radwho.pl,v 1.4 2002/06/12 05:41:11 mikem Exp $

    # Not all web servers start us off in the  directory where
    # this executable is. Lets be consistent.
    chdir('Radmin/private') if $^O eq 'MSWin32';

Other portion I changed is I added this below:

  $DBSource = 'dbi:ODBC:radmin';
  $DBUsername = 'radmin';
  $DBAuth = 'radminpw';

I tested on CLI with this this result which looks correct:
C:\Inetpub\Scripts\Radmin\private>perl radwho.pl
Current Sessions by User-Name at Thu Jul 10 16:43:00 2008
User-Name       NAS-Identifier  NAS-Port        Acct-Session-Id Timestamp
Time On Framed-IP-Address       NAS-Port-Type   Service-Type
test1    1234    999001  Wed May 14 00:30:01 2008        57 16:12
:59             Async   Framed-User


Does it need to run Make install.pl to install it again?
Just don't understand why the page cannot show . Any advice? Thanks !

best regards
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