Pascal Beauregard Pascal.Beauregard at USherbrooke.ca
Tue Feb 26 14:27:41 CST 2008


we are evaluating Radiator 4.0 on a Windows 2003 R2 server. We are trying to
get PEAP to work  and we can't figure out what is not working. 

I have attached the logfile and the configuration files.

Here is a sample of the log file that contains the error message 

Tue Feb 26 10:23:14 2008: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 looks for match with
beap1910 [anonymous]
Tue Feb 26 10:23:14 2008: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 ACCEPT: : beap1910
Tue Feb 26 10:23:14 2008: DEBUG: EAP result: 1, EAP MSCHAP-V2 Authentication
Tue Feb 26 10:23:14 2008: DEBUG: AuthBy LDAP2 result: REJECT, EAP MSCHAP-V2
Authentication failure
Tue Feb 26 10:23:14 2008: INFO: Access rejected for anonymous: EAP MSCHAP-V2
Authentication failure

I found strange that the AuthLDAP2 is accepted but the EAP result is a



Pascal Beauregard

Analyste en télécommunications
Université de Sherbrooke
www.usherbrooke.ca <http://www.usherbrooke.ca/> 
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