(RADIATOR) running into snags trying to get EAP-FAST working

Jim Veneskey jvene at cisco.com
Tue Feb 12 10:55:34 CST 2008

well - I tried the symlink idea, and now it breaks this way ;-)

Tue Feb 12 11:42:47 2008: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler ''
Tue Feb 12 11:42:47 2008: DEBUG:  Deleting session for widevaio,, 29
Tue Feb 12 11:42:47 2008: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE:
Tue Feb 12 11:42:47 2008: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 2, 13, 1
Tue Feb 12 11:42:47 2008: DEBUG: Response type 1
Tue Feb 12 11:42:47 2008: ERR: Could not load EAP module Radius::EAP_43: 
Bareword "Net::SSLeay:
:ERROR_WANT_READ" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at 
_43.pm line 170.
Bareword "Net::SSLeay::ERROR_WANT_WRITE" not allowed while "strict subs" 
in use at /usr/lib/per
l5/site_perl/Radius/EAP_43.pm line 170.
Compilation failed in require at (eval 41) line 3.

Tue Feb 12 11:42:47 2008: DEBUG: EAP result: 1, Unsupported default EAP 
Response/Identity FAST
Tue Feb 12 11:42:47 2008: DEBUG: AuthBy FILE result: REJECT, Unsupported 
default EAP Response/I
dentity FA

I really, really wish I could figure out why patch is breaking on me, 
I'd much prefer to patch the modules as per the instructions.

I tried patching the modules using a variety of linux distros, and even 
an OSX machine, and every one gave me the same error.


Frank Danielson wrote:
> Hi Jim-
> Your locate command shows the Net/SSLeay.pm module in
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/i586-linux-thread-multi/ and if you look at
> the error message it shows the Perl include path does not include 5.8.7 but
> 5.8.5 and previous. I'm guessing that either the rpm you installed for
> SSLeay was for a different perl version or you may have two versions of perl
> on your system. For all the perl binaries you can find on the system try
> /path/to/perl -V and it will dump the version and include path. For whatever
> reason the version of Perl running Radiator appears to be 5.8.5 and you've
> got a 5.8.7 module installed. 
> You could try the brute force approach and just copy or symlink
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/Crypt/SSLeay.pm to
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/Net/SSLeay.pm but
> there may be some unresolved dependencies.
> Frank Danielson
> Infrastructure Architect
> ClearSky Mobile Media
> 56 E. Pine St.
> Orlando, FL 32801

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