[RADIATOR] MSCHAPV2 with Vpn Concentrator 3000

SEG7 seg7 at ipb.pt
Wed Aug 20 10:31:13 CDT 2008

Hi there,

Currently we are auth our VPN Concentrator 3000 with Radiator 3.17 with
cleartext password stored in attribute field on our ldap server, it's
working fine but we don't want to store the password in cleartext on our
ldap server.

So, to my understading the alternative is to check the NT hash we have
those too, but i just can it get to work properly, tryed every method i
saw in this list and nothing. (tryed also to put {nthash}46464....
directly in the ldap server to check if the hook wasn't working but also

Any help with this?

Handler working with cleartext (sambaNTPassword is cleartext)
<Handler Realm = vpn.ipb.pt>
        MaxSessions 4
        SessionDatabase SessDBUsers
        <AuthBy LDAP2>
                Host            localhost
                Port 389
                AuthDN          cn=root,dc=ipb,dc=pt
                AuthPassword    *
                BaseDN          ou=Staff,ou=Pessoas,dc=ipb,dc=pt
                Scope           sub
                UsernameAttr    krbName
                PasswordAttr    sambaNTPassword
                SearchFilter    (&(%0=%1) (departmentNumber=ipbvpn))
                AutoMPPEKeys    yes
        AcctLogFileName /var/log/radius/vpn-detail.log
        AuthLog vpnusers

Handler not working :( (sambaNTPassword is a MD4 hash)
<Handler Realm = vpn.ipb.pt,User-Name = seg7 at vpn.ipb.pt>
        RewriteUsername         s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
        MaxSessions 4
        SessionDatabase SessDBUsers
        <AuthBy LDAP2>
                Host            localhost
                Port 389
                Version         3
                AuthDN          cn=root,dc=ipb,dc=pt
                AuthPassword    *
                BaseDN          ou=staff,ou=users,dc=ipb,dc=pt
                Scope           sub
                PasswordAttr    sambaNTPassword
                #EncryptedPasswordAttr  ntPassword
                #PasswordAttr   ntPassword
                SearchFilter    (uid=%1)
                debug 255
                AutoMPPEKeys    yes
                TranslatePasswordHook sub { return "{nthash}$_[0]"; }
                #EAPType MSCHAP-V2
        AcctLogFileName /var/log/radius/vpn-detail.log
        AuthLog vpnusers

Trace 4 log
Wed Aug 20 16:17:49 2008: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 'Realm =
vpn.ipb.pt,User-Name = seg7 at vpn.ipb.pt'
Wed Aug 20 16:17:49 2008: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to seg7
Wed Aug 20 16:17:49 2008: DEBUG: SessDBUsers Deleting session for
seg7 at vpn.ipb.pt,, 1906
Wed Aug 20 16:17:49 2008: DEBUG: do query is: 'delete from RADONLINE
where NASIDENTIFIER='' and NASPORT=01906':
Wed Aug 20 16:17:49 2008: DEBUG: Query is: 'select NASIDENTIFIER,
USERNAME='seg7 at vpn.ipb.pt'':
Wed Aug 20 16:17:49 2008: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLDAP2:
Wed Aug 20 16:17:49 2008: INFO: Connecting to blade04.ccom.ipb.pt:389
Wed Aug 20 16:17:49 2008: INFO: Attempting to bind to LDAP server
Wed Aug 20 16:17:49 2008: DEBUG: LDAP got result for
Wed Aug 20 16:17:49 2008: DEBUG: LDAP got sambaNTPassword:
Wed Aug 20 16:17:49 2008: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 looks for match with
seg7 [seg7 at vpn.ipb.pt]
Wed Aug 20 16:17:49 2008: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 REJECT: Bad Password:
seg7 [seg7 at vpn.ipb.pt]
Wed Aug 20 16:17:49 2008: INFO: Connecting to blade04.ccom.ipb.pt:389
Wed Aug 20 16:17:49 2008: INFO: Attempting to bind to LDAP server
Wed Aug 20 16:17:49 2008: DEBUG: No entries for DEFAULT found in LDAP
Wed Aug 20 16:17:49 2008: DEBUG: AuthBy LDAP2 result: REJECT, Bad Password
Wed Aug 20 16:17:49 2008: INFO: Access rejected for seg7: Bad Password
Wed Aug 20 16:17:49 2008: DEBUG: Packet dump:
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